有 When..., which... 的句型嗎?

2016-03-04 11:11 am

例如:When a person drinks a cup of 500 ml of drink mixed with DEHP, which has exceeded the upper limit of the daily intake. 此句結構正確嗎?如果不,如何改寫?

回答 (2)

2016-03-04 11:59 am
When I go to the shop,which is near my house.
2016-03-04 11:28 am
1. My friend was eating when I saw him.
When I saw my friend, he was eating.
2. She was cooking when her children were watching TV.
When her children were watching TV, she was cooking.
3.Every day my father reads his favorite book in the living room when we study in our room. 
Every day when we study in our room, my father reads his favorite book in the living room.

1.This is the car, the color of which is red.
2. This is the car, of which the color is red.
3.This is the car whose color is red.
4.This is the dog which always causes trouble.
5.This is the place at which I was born.

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