What are the highest-ranking officers/military personell or executive branch below president of USA?

2016-03-04 8:04 am
We know that US president is the highest rank, an ultiamte autorithy and supreme commander of armed forces, so in terms of miliaty power who goes next?

Can you name 5 ranks at least below president please ?


回答 (3)

2016-03-04 8:54 am
The President is a Civilian and does have have a RANK.
The Highest Ranking Military Member is the Chairman of the Joint Chefs. Four Star.

The Pecking oder: The Command in Chief (The President) Civilian.
Secutary of Defense (Civilian)
Joint Chiefs. (Military).
2016-03-04 9:00 am
The Secretary of Defense is directly under the president in the chain of command. The Joint Chiefs are the highest ranking troops in the military, but they don't directly command troops. In terms of military operations, under the Secretary of Defense are the Unified Combatant Commanders, which are four star generals and admirals.
2016-03-04 8:50 am
Sec of defense, sec of the different services, joint chiefs of staff(highest military ranks-navy
Admiral of the navy and Generals of the other services-at least four star

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:11:47
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