I am wondering whether anyone would like to share their personal experiences of a termination of pregnancy, before, during and afterwards.?

2016-03-03 7:39 pm
I know that sharing these experiences can make others feel comfort in what they are going through and gives them answers.

I have recently undergone this procedure (we do not need to explain our reasons why, its our bodies, we are all women we should be supporting and encouraging other women not turning against each other, we should stick together and respect one another).

So I took one tablet orally, and then 4 tablets were inserted vaginally two days later. I spent the day in hospital until it passed and then underwent a vaginal examination which was extremely uncomfortable.

Now I am curious how other ladies managed afterwards physically and mentally.

Everyone welcome :-)

回答 (9)

2016-03-03 7:44 pm
I have taken a class on human sexuality and they have done a few studies showing that 95%+ of women feel content that they made the right choice. People always think that abortion or termination is regretted, but the research shows other wise. Looking up these scientific journals might be extremely helpful.

While mixed feelings can occur, that is a normal part of being a human. We feel. We need to deal with our emotions, trust in our self, and reaffirm our decision.

There is a few support groups out there, but be warned, a lot are from pro-life supporters and can be more about guilt than support.

I haven't gone through this, but I truly believe it is a women's choice to have an abortion at any point she wishes. I hope you find the help and support you feel you need.
2016-03-03 8:15 pm
I had a surgical abortion, nearly 4 years ago. It was 100% my decision, and I do not regret the decision at all. Physically, my recovery went as well as could be expected.

However, I did experience some severe depression, which did not hit me until the time the baby would have been born. The depression was exasperated by family members having babies, also. My sister and my sister-in-law both became pregnant a month after I found out I was.

My depression was more about having to make the decision and not the decision, itself. Plus, given my age and the fact that I really did want another child, I just was not doing well for a while. But I never waivered that the choice I made was the right choice for me.

PASS (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome) is a real thing, and many women suffer from it. Those who say "studies have shown many women are content with their abortions" probably have never gone through an abortion. Yes, many are content with their choice, but the fact that they had to make that choice is what is disheartening.

There is a great forum that I found that really helped me a lot. www.passboards.org
2016-03-04 6:31 am
I had two when I was young, both surgical...no regrets, I had two wonderful boys later in life, and was a surrogate once as well.

When it's time, it's time...no sooner, no later.
2016-03-03 10:36 pm
I had a surgical abortion last August at 7 weeks my mum tried to influence my decision to have an abortion I was with a friend when I told her that I found out I was pregnant on facebook when I came home she told me that she was going to book an appointment for me to have the abortion since she said that she didn't think that I could look after a baby she said that there was to be no backing out when I get to the clinic. I went along with this for a day but then I felt like what I was doing was wrong. I was not using my own mind I was just blindly following my mum I sent her a message on Facebook saying that I didn't think I could go through with the abortion that ended in me getting kicked out of the house I had to move in with my dad my dad was the same as my mum he was saying that I should have an abortion we went to pregnancy counselling together and the counsellor was trying to influence my decision as well she was pushing abortion and making it seem like there was no other option She made another appointment for me because during the 1st appointment it was my dad who did most of the talking and I was very quiet and she felt that I wasn't in a position to be making a decision that day I didn't go back for that appointment and the counsellor rang my dad just to know why I didn't show up. She kinda got the idea that I didn't want to go back to counselling but she said that I should be making my own decision and to try not let anyone influence it my dad then told me that he did think it was important that I should be making my own decision on a serious matter like this I met with the guy who got me pregnant and he said make a decision and stick with it stop changing your mind all the time I'm here either way. He didn't seem to care whether I had an abortion or not so I decided that abortion was the best decision for me I didn't want to have a child with no dad I knew the guy who got me pregnant wasnt going to stick around i know someone else could of done something different and would of had the baby but I'm comfortable with my decision I come from a typical posh middle class family where no one had a baby in this situation so everyone would of been shocked I try not to dwell on the what ifs? If I never have children so be it. Maybe that was not meant to be. If I have children I want to have them with a man who would never even let me consider abortion that is my opinion I believe that everything happens for a reason and that I made the right decision for me
2016-03-04 11:26 pm
We should not be supporting and encouraging women to kill there unborn babies. A existing non-alive human being waiting to waiting to become alive is a logical impossibility. There are no states or conditions of existence previous to life and therefore human beings can only be: wholly, completely and essentially alive.
2016-03-04 6:46 am
Any one who has an abortion should just have her uterus removed.
2016-03-13 10:31 pm
I had a surgical abortion at age 40. knew the minute I found out I was pregnant that was what I would do. Thought about the next 18yrs or more of dealing with the doner and thought no way. Wasn't really what I wanted on my "resume of life " at 40 yrs of age but... it needed to be done and I am thankful that it was available to me. Entire procedure was over and done maybe 4hrs total including recovery room. Dr. did ask me if I wanted to see ultrasound I just said NOPE no need. Sounds cold I know but I also knew it was best for ALL.
2016-03-06 8:48 pm
sure. i would. got pregnant while using the diaphram. had an abortion. in and out the same day. no big deal. have an M.S. degree and six figure income. no kids. professional spouse with same income level. no regrets. got for it. get that abortion.

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