Why does everyone blame Catholics for our US historical issues when it was the Protestants who caused them all? Slavery, killing natives?

2016-03-03 6:38 pm

回答 (8)

2016-03-03 6:40 pm
Catholics would probably be upset to learn that most non Catholics don't give a damn about your religion.

As long as that ugly chick in the dress who leads you keeps her old mouth shut, we really don't care whether you eat fish or not.
2016-03-03 7:36 pm
Catholics were the first to kill the native population. Protestants came later.
2016-03-03 7:13 pm
Well both catholics and protestants did actually.
2016-03-03 6:46 pm
I've never blamed either...

And have not heard anyone else do so... sooooo... what the heck are you talking about???

Neither religion has been pearly white throughout history... especially to each other... LOL

2016-03-03 6:42 pm
I was born in the U.S. and I've lived here for 65 years. I don't recall anyone ever blaming those things on Catholics nor have I read anything recently doing that although I'm sure that Catholics were participating in slavery and killing natives albeit in the earliest times without explicitly stating their religion. It's demonstrated by the recent excavations at the original Jamestown fort that some of the earliest settlers in what's now the U.S. were Catholics.
2016-03-03 6:43 pm
Seriously, what difference does it make? It's water under the dam. What people did back then, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack of same, has no bearing on how we live our lives today/
2016-03-03 7:43 pm
Why the ignorance of the reality?

If you are so UNCHRISTIAN and UNAMERICAN you cannot stand living in a democracy with all it’s hard won freedoms, Constitution and human rights why have you not emigrated to North Korea?!
2016-03-03 7:40 pm
The Roman Catholic Church is responsible for all manners of atrocities: the Spanish inquisition, the crusades, Jesuits, rampant pedophilia, etc...

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