Where should i travel for the first time?

2016-03-03 10:16 am
well i'm excited to say that later on during the month of June i'll be traveling for the first time in my LIFE! i never tried since the day i was born..yes never traveled and i'm really excited that i'm not sure where to travel too? i finally got permission from my dad and i'm wondering if u guys can give me any recommendations?

回答 (6)

2016-03-04 12:37 pm
Miriam, firstly from where and what is your budget? My first flight around your age many years ago, was to Europe out of Montreal.

You can not just ask us what we recommend without knowing the variables.
2016-03-03 6:32 pm
My mom and sister traveled to Europe and went all around that area. They said it was incredible, and they made a book online of all the amazing pictures. Apparently the food was really good too. :)
2016-03-03 11:00 am
Hmm. So many possibilities. You sound so excited but you don't have any ideas on what you'd like to see? Beaches? Mountains? People so different from yourself? What? ...So it depends entirely on you. I was excited to travel to the Swiss Alps, to the Great Wall of China. I was excited to travel to any country for the first time. Ask yourself where you would like to go.
2016-03-03 10:27 am
2016-03-03 10:18 am
Try some various states and national points of interest.
2016-03-03 10:17 am

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