Can i still lose weight if i am underweight?

2016-03-02 11:27 pm
My bmi is 18.5, which is exactly underweight. I am still not happy with my body, if i lose just a bit more by exercise will i still be healthy?

回答 (5)

2016-03-02 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's unlikely.

If your bodyweight is already below average for your height, losing weight is likely to have the OPPOSITE effect from the one you hope to achieve.

Many skinny people think that losing more weight is going to get rid of their bulging belly, because of a mistaken belief that weight loss means fat loss.

In reality, a bulging belly is caused by low tone in the muscles around your waist, so weight loss usually makes their belly even more flabby, as an energy-poor diet 'de-trains' these muscles even faster.

Being underweight has serious long-term consequences. For example, osteoporosis (bone deterioration) does not affect elderly people who are chubby, because their bodyweight stimulates bone maintenance. If you are skinny, the condition develops early, because your bones receive less of this stimulation.

The widespread belief that 'losing weight' is just about the same thing as 'shaping up' or 'being healthy' IS A MYTH.
2016-03-03 12:12 am
No, you will not be healthy. No level of being underweight is healthy. Being underweight causes SERIOUS damage to the body and will have a highly negative affect on you and your health and wellbeing. You need to speak to somebody face to face about this. Such as a teacher, a relative, a parent, a friend, a nurse, a doctor etc. You need to learn to be okay with who you are, your weight and what you look like. This is extremely unhealthy and will make you feel immensely weak and exhausted. You need to eat in order to provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs. Without this, your body will shut down. You need to speak to someone who can help you accept yourself. This cannot go on any longer. Please take care and reach out. This is going much too far. Loving yourself is better that constantly trying to be perfect any day.
2016-03-02 11:35 pm
as long as you lose it in a healthy way i guess
2016-03-21 9:57 am
Shrink Your Belly In 23-Seconds -
2016-03-02 11:28 pm

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