Somebody threatening anonymously on Snapchat?

2016-03-02 6:52 pm
Who ever it is I think has multiple accounts and is sending me very disturbing things there also threatening to shoot me and my boyfriend and threatninh to rape me they say they go to my school and I think they really do BC they said they were going to "swear there *** all over me Friday at school" and I'm suspended until Friday I think who ever this person is knows me

回答 (3)

2016-03-02 9:14 pm
Report it to snapchat. If you really think that your life is in imminent danger, you can report it to the police.
2016-03-02 7:03 pm
If you are threatened you go to the police and show them the messages. Tell them that you are really scared. Never ignore threats
2016-03-02 6:59 pm
Report to police.

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