Should PMS continue to be in the DSM-V?Is premenstrual dysphoric disorder a psychiatric problem or a gynecological one?

2016-03-02 4:52 pm
What process should be used to resolve controversies such as this one?

回答 (1)

2016-03-02 6:40 pm
As far as I know PMS is not included. Here is a good article on that:

PMDD is in the works to be added to the DSM-V. DSM-V is about abnormal behaviour and conditions, because PMS is so wide-spread (most women get it to some degree) it may be more of a natural human condition for women rather than a mental/behavioural disorder.

PMDD on the other hand, can be both a psychiatric problem and a gynecological one. The majority of women do NOT have these severe of symptoms and therefore it isn't a normal/average condition but an actually problem/mental/behavioural disorder (as well as a physical one).

Just because something affects our mental process (PMS can make us emotional, sad, angry, etc) it doesn't mean it is a mental condition. Pain, pregnancy, lack of sleep, etc. can all make us angry, sad, emotional, etc. but it doesn't mean we suffer from a mental or behavioural disorder.

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