Losing someone dear?

2016-03-02 1:45 pm
Just recently my grandfather passed away and his death was caused by a car accident. i'm not feeling well for the past two days and i tried getting a day off from work but my boss just keeps on giving excuses that he can't and even the CEO. Honestly i need a break for just a day to clear up my mind and now while i'm at work, i just feel sick being here. what should i do?

and just yesterday my boss told me that he forgot to tell me that 1st of march was suppose to be my day off and he told me this at around 11:55pm at night and i honestly was shocked and disgusted by the way he told me this like as if it doesn't matter at all that i have lost someone dear to me

回答 (3)

2016-03-02 2:17 pm
Askfor a Bereavement Leave.

MOST companies offer this as part of their Company Policy.
2016-03-02 1:50 pm
Have you explained why you need that day off -- about your grandfather? If not, that might be helpful in getting their understanding and approval for that time off. If you have, and they are still saying "no," then just call in sick, and take off that time you need to grieve.
2016-03-02 1:46 pm
By law you get bereavement.

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