How to bypass cisco parental controls? Please help?

2016-03-02 7:19 am
My parents have blocked my Internet, and I can t use it past 10 pm. I have insomnia, and it really sucks not be able to use the Internet while I m awake.

This is the link of the page that blocks me:

回答 (6)

2016-03-02 7:25 am
That link is useless to us.

If you don't have the restrictions password, then you can't bypass it. Simple as that.
2016-03-02 1:34 pm
you need the password to disable the parental control.

2016-12-26 12:17 pm
參考: Insomnia Remedies
2016-03-02 8:37 am
You can not.
2016-03-02 7:30 am
I would download the manual for the wireless router and read all about it. You may end up doing a factory reset to return the router to its default settings. Of course once your parents discover what you have done it is likely the only time you will be able to access the internet will be when they are standing right behind you.

Another option would be to check if you can receive a wireless signal from your neighbors and see if you can strike a deal that would allow you to access their system if you pay them for the privilege.
2016-03-02 7:30 am
I got an easy solution, read a book! an upside of that is that you are probably more likely to be able to sleep than if you had been looking at a screen

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