Why are their so many anti atheism anti religion bullcrap questions on yahoo answers?

2016-03-02 6:10 am
It gets very annoying and repetitive, people here treat it like its a life mission to convert athiest and decide the best way to split the yahoo answers community and intoxicate it to where it makes yahoo answers look bad. No this isnt an anti religion anti atheism question why cant people just deal with someone whos atheist in a mature manner and not acting like a spoiled confused child.

回答 (11)

2016-03-02 6:15 am
Sorry. This is the internet here. You know, that place people go to tell everyone else why they're wrong and probably a terrible person. That being said, carefully worded questions do usually get some serious answers, but there are probably other communities you can visit which cater more specifically to the things you want to talk about rather than the internet as a whole.
2016-03-02 6:16 am
I find its theists that troll more usually I like to stay on YA space & astronomy and I get theists popping up on there saying atheists this and atheists that and how can you believe that.
2016-03-02 7:00 am
Why do you say 'anti atheism anti religion' and then go on to act like it's just the religious who are being rude? I'm an atheist and I've seen my side be rude about a zillion times. Granted, I've thought it was hilarious but still, atheists on YA aren't just sitting here being oh-so-polite and sipping tea with our pinkies out.
2016-03-02 6:14 am
People are generally dumb, or that's the way it appears to someone with above average intelligence. I guess to people of below average intelligence people seem smart, but then they usually don't have the self awareness to understand that, and just believe in whatever they get told as a kid.
2016-03-02 1:35 pm
Weak faith and the very real fear of those that have the education and intellect to know the truth and live in reality!
2016-03-02 8:37 am
Probably because Yahoo tends to draw out the immature kind of 'claimed' atheist.
Though you know what they say, if you don't like it stop complaining yourself and get outta here.
2016-03-02 8:10 am
Both sides will never end their flame war, since they feel obligated to avenge their fallen comrades who received carpal tunnel syndrome. NEVER FORGET!
2016-03-02 8:03 am
The answer is mind viruses:

There's basically, a symbiotic relation going on here, evolving to be more and more obnoxious, thankfully with a cap due to the report system.
2016-03-02 7:30 am
Maybe you should just go to different categories.
2016-03-02 6:38 am
Same shite different shovel in other sections. I'm a regular on the cricket section and the gamesmanship / banter / nationalistic slurs there can get a bit over the top at times as well.
2016-03-02 7:51 am
Oh please. The religious do it as well. But thats different, right?

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