Why am I so anxious over my grades in school?

2016-03-02 6:07 am
Okay so my whole life I ve had C s and I ve never cared about school ever I even failed a grade level, but recently I ve been getting straight A s. So right now I am a straight A student, I m not complaining of course but school makes me so nervous like if I get anything less than a 95 on an assignment I freak out I m so terrified to get anything less than an A. Today in Spanish I got a 85 on a worksheet (usually I would be okay with this) and begged my teacher to let me try it again she gave in and I scored a 97 the second time. Why am I acting like this?? and why do I feel so anxious at school?

回答 (2)

2016-03-02 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I totally get you. Also, now that you've set a new standard for yourself that you're proud of, anything less will seem to be a disappointment. Seriously, though, it's good to be concerned about grades enough for you to put reasonable effort into your assignments, but if you begin losing lots of sleep and being perpetually worried and anxious, it's not worth it. I have anxiety, and I've always been in higher-level classes, but I suck at time management. I did so much last year (my junior year), putting all of my effort into nearly every task and doing extracurriculars, that I'm burned out. My schedule is super easy this year, but I feel like I always have so much to do, and I stay up late doing homework that I could've finished hours ago. Don't push too hard, because if you get burned out, it'll be incredibly hard to recover.
2016-03-02 1:09 pm
You would have hated my Control Systems professor. He made his exams so hard that the highest score was around 55 out of 100. He made them that way on purpose. He graded on a curve of course, but i imagine it would unnerving for somebody like yourself. In his class, you just had to be better than everybody else, but you didn't know what scores they got until the revealing.

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