[翻譯題] 想睇下咁講啱唔啱 原意: 唔理d客合唔合資格,請叫d客黎食飯
Eng: please invite the guests to join the dinner regardless of the criteria 請指教,謝謝?
回答 (2)
Please invite the guests to join the dinner regardless of the criteria.
☆ 建議:Please invite *our guests to join the dinner *party regardless of the criteria.
☆ 個人愚見:在商言商, 每一位🈶️所關連的客人, 都🈶️可能成為“未來顧客”=米飯班主。所以不容錯過飴慢。
☆ 另外:您已經譯得很棒
謹 供參考, 謝謝!🤔
...( =';'= )
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Please invite the guests to join the dinner disregard of the criteria stated.
Please invite guests to join the dinner regardless of their background.
"criteria"是指實在的規範或條件,而不可以當作"虛詞"。而regardless後的內容是指向受體,即要請的客人,假如用the criteria是主人家所決定的,但又不能說是their (客人) criteria (客人是被動/受規範而不是他們本身),所以要小心留意用詞和放置,不是"腦裏"的"思想"字推出來排"中文"句便成。
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:24:29
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