Can they force me to see my dad?

2016-03-02 2:55 am
I live in Alabama, im 16 (17 in April). I live with my dads parents (long story). They are my legal guardians. My mom has visitation rights to me every other weekend, every other week in th summer and some holidays. My dad has absolutely no rights to me and does not have any sort of legal appointed visitation like we had to go to court to get for my mom. My dad wasnt really apart of my life growing up at all and owed so much child support i could buy a house if he payed it off. I don t like my dad for many reasons and after i finish high school i plan to never see him again. I know a lot of teens say this but im serious. My dad has never supported me any financial way even to this day. He doesnt even have a job and just finds women he can take advantage of. He lives with them until they have no more momey and then leaves. So even though my dad has no legal rights or visitation his parents (the ones i live with) force me to go see him every time im not with my mom. During the school year i stay at "home" with my grandparents (his parents) and EVERY SINGLE weekend im at my moms or my dads house. I havent stayed at home on the weekend in over a year. I spend the entire summer alternating every week between my moms and dads houses. And any other holiday we get out of school for im at my moms or dads. So basically im on only at "home" when i have to go to school. In Alabama, at my age and everything can they force me to go to my dads house if i dont agree to?

回答 (2)

2016-03-02 3:12 am
The bottom line is that you live with your grandparents so you should have enough respect for their sacrifice to visit your dad while you live there if this is what they wish. Once you move out what you do regarding your dad is your business. I am sure they realize that your dad is less than perfect. But maybe they are hoping that your being in his life may someday open his eyes so he changes course. Or perhaps, given that they are elderly, they just need a break on the weekends and your dad is convenient for them. I understand that you dislike your dad. And that's really unfortunate. But MAYBE you should just do this and consider it a 'sacrifice'. - The same way your grandparents have sacrificed their retirement and a good amount of money (Raising teens is NOT cheap!) for YOU.
2016-03-02 5:00 am
it probably depends on whats going on at your dads house that you dont want to go

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