if I was to become a paedophile where would be the best place to buy my van?

2016-03-01 11:34 pm

回答 (5)

2016-03-02 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try these guys, they have plenty of vans and they will show you the back if you like.
196 Day St, Sydney NSW 2000
2016-03-02 5:41 am
so much for YA watch dogs, I reported this pathetic question hours ago before there was even one answer and it's still here, the idiot who wrote it and we all know who it is has been worried about having a police record, well he's heading in the right direction to get one.
2016-03-02 11:10 am
You'll be the real subject of molestation in prison.
2016-03-03 12:38 am
At a PoIice auction.
2016-03-03 7:46 am
******** you need a bunker in the woods. mate you gunna caught quick, dumbass.

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