I hated dark chocolate and now I love it why is that?

2016-03-01 10:17 pm
A los que me van a redponder diciendo "pa k kieres saber eso jaja saludos" les envio un beso y un abrazo desde USA jaja saludos

回答 (4)

2016-03-01 10:18 pm
tastes can change overtime. some foods are better in smaller qualities then larger qualities, and vice versa. but, dark chocolate is generally better in small quantities.
2016-03-02 12:19 am
Your tastebuds change as you age
2016-03-01 10:18 pm
Sometimes, I would like to eat sweet chocolate.
2016-03-01 10:22 pm
your taste buds change every week, this happened to me

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