Do I come across pro life or pro choice?

2016-03-01 5:21 pm
I think of abortions as ending potential human life, but would agree with someone having an abortion in some cases. I've had mixed opinions on rape cases part of my doesn't want a women being forced to carry out a pregnavy of her rapists baby but the other half of me feels that's it's not ok to terminate another life because of what someone did but instead put the kid in foster care or adoption. Although I may not agree with abortion I think it's a women choice what she wants to do with her baby & I don't want to force someone into not having an abortion because I don't agree with it. I don't agree with banning abortions at all because there are times when abortions are necessary to have. Unlike the prolifers I come across I don't agree with making abortion illegal because then women would have to resort to dangerous methods because they don't have an abortion option for them.

回答 (8)

2016-03-01 5:24 pm
You come across as someone that needs to analyze the issue and take a position.
2016-03-01 5:48 pm
Decide this first: At what point does "potential" human life become "actual" human life? Can you or anyone else cite some identifiable milestone that marks the difference?
2016-03-01 5:28 pm
You come across as someone who thinks it is ok for the government to interfere in the decisions of a woman. Your opinion is irrelevant when it comes to a decision that is between a woman and her doctor.

That is what Roe V Wade was decided on. A woman has a right to privacy in a medical decision between her and her physician.

You have no right to take that away because of your personal opinion.
2016-03-01 5:24 pm
You are pro-choice extremists. It is one thing to say that there are valid reasons for an abortion, but as soon as you say that it is a "women choice" your other words are negated.
2016-06-19 4:01 am
Avril Lavigne always has and always will suck and that's a fact. Her hardcore fans deserve to suffer!
2016-03-02 11:18 pm
The biggest question is whether or not you would restrict or ban abortion.
Your personal opinion on the matters individually really doesn't matter much.

From what I can gather, you would like abortion legal and available.
Which is the founding ethics of pro-choice.
2016-03-01 6:25 pm
You are clearly NOT pro life.
2016-03-01 5:41 pm
it sounds like you dont have enough information

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