The owner of the zoo asked him to put on a bear's skin and _____ in a cage with other animals. 可解釋為甚麼選擇用stay 不用過去式stayed?

2016-03-01 4:29 pm

回答 (3)

2016-03-02 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果用過去式,則表示stayed的主詞是the owner of the zoo,stayed與asked兩個動詞對等(用對等連接詞and相連):主詞做了兩件事:即xxx asked ... and stayed ...。這會造成句子的邏輯問題:為何動物園主人要別人穿上熊皮,卻自己進了籠子裡?

to put on ... and (to) stay ...兩組「不定詞」當「受詞補語」,表示是受詞的him(別人)被動物園主人要求去做了兩件事。第二個不定詞應省去不定詞的記號to。
2016-03-01 5:01 pm
The owner of the zoo asked him to put on a bear's skin and _____ in a cage with other animals. 可解釋為甚麼選擇用stay 不用過去式stayed?

The owner of the zoo asked him to put on a bear's skin and *stay in a cage with other animals.


*句子裡的結構:to put(是不定式 infinitive), 而"stay"也是不定式是另一動作的延續, 只是省畧了"to"。

謹 供參考, 謝謝!🤔
2016-03-01 4:49 pm
The explanation is certainly correct in infinitive being non-finite form of a verb used with or without (to),eg:-let him stay ; ask him to stay Now to put=infinitive which relates to (to) stay=stay where (to) is ommited.Now also "stay in a cage with other animals" is treated as a clause extention of the sentence".NB Quotation marks should be noted."
For your reference only:-(2)participial phrase Or phrase containing a gerund:-staying.
so it avoids having two verbs in a sentence;
(3)asked----->stayed are all in the sequence of tense =the past tense.
are another possible correct usage of tense in English.

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