Do you have clothes for going out and clothes for being at home? Is it weird that I don't?

2016-03-01 4:28 pm
I've heard some people wear slippers and sweatpants at home. But who has time to change from "outside" clothes into those "comfortable" clothes. I don't want to untie my shoes to wear slippers. Can't be bothered. Putting my shoes once a day is already a struggle.

回答 (8)

2016-03-01 4:38 pm
No and no. In the world of "Downton Abbey", women would change clothes 7 times a day, depending on what they were doing throughout the day. I don't change except for niceing myself up for certain occasions.
2016-03-01 4:32 pm
i change into my pajamas the minute i get home
2016-03-01 4:50 pm
yes. i have clothes for work.. clothes for home.. clothes for outside.. clothes for different events.

and you're probably a slob.
2016-03-01 4:45 pm
2016-03-01 4:36 pm
I think you come home and change from your outside person to your inside person. You aren't just taking your shoes or pants off, you're making a statement to yourself that your workday is over and it's time to relax for the evening
2016-03-01 4:33 pm
Yes, I have clothes for wearing at home and different ones to wear out. All are comfortable and nothing I would be ashamed of wearing or be seen in when I answer the door.
2016-03-01 4:33 pm
Any normal person would.
2016-03-01 4:30 pm
Well, I don't wear sweatpants and slippers when I go out clubbing, lol

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