If we started a political party (in the UK, Scotland specifically) where everything was broadcast, would this be better?

2016-03-01 9:45 am
No more back room deals, no more closed debates. i think we need to document every level of goverment and how it works and then compare this againt how it actually works. we need to expose any areas where there are failings for future generations.
this wouldnt work in the USA or the UK as a whole likely as they have too much to hide, but Scotland has no secret service, no major industrial backers pulling our strings, i think we could make a decent honest run at it. allowing the people access like never before. but what would be the pitfalls?

回答 (3)

2016-03-01 11:06 am
That's totally impractical. Are you really going to have cameras following every member of the party everywhere they go? Including to restaurants where they talk things over, and into the toilet? Nobody would join.
2016-03-01 12:13 pm
A lot of what you're describing is already in force. Generally the "business end" of things- signing things into law, enacting policies, etc, that is already recorded. Debates in Parliament are generally open to the public and officially recorded. So I think a lot of what you are advocating is already documented.

The stuff that's being hidden would probably still be hidden under your system, unless it was more of a 24/7 live feed sort of deal. Politicians often meet with other interest groups, diplomats, etc, behind closed doors and this stuff isn't recorded, nor would it ever be unless we insisted on 24-hour monitoring (which has a host of other concerns). So all that stuff is already there- debates in parliament can be downloaded off their website, for instance.

The catch is that most of the dirty deals, secret arrangements, etc, are all done by the time it gets out into the public eye. By the time a law even reaches a vote in parliament, there's usually been a lot of wrangling and negotiation done to get it there. To get the other stuff out into the public eye, we would need to be recording politicians everywhere they went, which would be problematic.
2016-03-01 10:17 am
how would you enforce
everything is broadcast

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