why many white people love animals?

2016-03-01 8:14 am

回答 (9)

2016-03-01 2:04 pm
2016-03-01 9:31 am
for example dogs and cats, they are so cute.
2016-03-01 8:28 am
Why not.
2016-03-01 8:22 am
All of them do.
2016-03-01 8:21 am
did you just say white people? lol
2016-03-01 11:19 pm
because whites r hypocrites when god made them, many whites hate people but they love animals and treat then as god, **** these white trash
2016-03-01 8:23 am
Because White People find that Animals are far easier to control when they are on a chain,
and Animals don't want "Animal History Month".
2016-03-01 8:15 am
I love eating them if thats what you mean!!!
2016-03-01 8:18 am
Peta and all the rescue organizations including the humane societies HAVE TO put down MILLIONS of animals every year because people won't be responsible and have their pets and the animals in the neigborhood spayed and nuetered!!! There are not NEARLY enough homes for the strays, and if they are not put down, they freeze and starve. It is not true that PETA doesn't try to find homes for them, but you can only find homes for so many.

This situation is the fault of the people who refuse to spay and nueter. It is not the fault of Peta and the humane societies.

It is mostly in the black communities that people are so irresponsible that they don't spay and nueter and take care of the neihborhood strays. Black people are very hard hearted and ir responsible with animals. Your neighborhoods are always full of stray dogs, pregnant and dead dogs on the street, and starving cats.

It is true that mink and chinchilla cannot survive if you release them into the wild. They don't know how to take care of themselves because they have always been taken care of by humans. But no one should be raising animals for fur to begin with. You can make a coat out of anything, including beautiful fakes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:33:46
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