Should I buy a condo if I am still in school?

2016-03-01 2:37 am
I have half down on it. I pay $945 a month in rent, and this would be a couple hundred dollars a month cheaper with taxes and HOA fee's.

Someone said I should not buy while in school, but isn't it a little more business savy to be putting almost $1,000/month into something I own rather than renting? Or should I just save my money for the future home I will stay in forever?

回答 (5)

2016-03-01 2:41 am
I think the main thing would be if you plan on staying in it a while. I guess you could always sell it if you move from the area though. But yeah I think money towards buying something, makes more sense than losing it on rent.
2016-03-01 2:42 am
Condos don't appreciate like other real estate (unless it's in a top-notch location). You're throwing your money away on HOA, property tax, insurance, mortgage interest unless the property will appreciate before you sell it.

Remember, you'll have to pay to maintain the property and it will also cost you a significant amount to sell it. Also remember that for the first few years of a mortgage, you're paying the interest. You're not really paying down the loan balance.

And don't forget about those pesky special assessments. You could buy the condo and then next month be assessed $300/month for repaving the parking lot.

I think you should find a cheaper place to rent.
2016-03-01 1:42 pm
you might wind up losing money selling it - condos are the WORST real estate investment and I can't imagine you would qualify for a mortgage anyway as a student
2016-03-01 4:12 am
"STAY in house forever" ? Does not work that way.
Keep renting until you older and more educated about Reality of housing.
參考: Builder landlord
2016-03-01 2:52 am

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