What career is right for me?

2016-03-01 1:30 am
Im 19 and all my life ive wanted to work with animals i got the qualifications and volunteered etc. Its my passion, unfortunately though there arent many animal care jobs available right now unless i can travel but i dont have a car. So ive thought about other things like law which I've always liked and phsycology which has always fascinated me but both would mean more training, i thought about costume make up which ive had some training in but again theres no jobs for it, i currently study science as i want to go into marine biology but im at that point in my life where ive found how difficult it is and im wondering if ill ever get there... I have applied for jobs outside my feild but because of the training ive had i wasnt right for them, im so confused, i live with my boyfriend and we are struggling so the faster ican sortmy mind out, the better.

回答 (1)

2016-03-01 4:34 am
If in USA determines how poor u want to struggle survive live.
Determine how many years of poverty u want to deal with.
In USA visit BLS.GOV/OOH for actual real world info on careers jobs in demand and pay good money.
Visit local pay scale sites for Demand and pay locally as it varies greatly.
Visit local community college for programs leading to employment and good paying jobs locally.
Many programs finished in under two years easily and paying 35k$ - 60000$ First year of working easily.
Want to learn about "law" "psychology" ?
Libraries are FREE here for actual education. The degree program for both are over Hyped and money maker for colleges and banks NOT u.
Get educated informed for actual employment.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now of uninformed students thanks library card

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