Religion?, Should we replace 'in god we trust' on our currency with 'e pluribus unum'?

2016-02-29 10:19 pm

And scrap 'in god we trust' to the garbage can

回答 (4)

2016-03-01 2:07 am
That "god" reference was shoved down our throats during the cold war. We did better without it. As a non believer, it find it offensive.
2016-02-29 11:06 pm
Can we replace it with "Mohammed was a pedo" instead?
2016-02-29 10:22 pm
I think we should keep "In God We Trust" on our currency. Our nation was founded on the fact that our freedoms are a gift from God. The Declaration of Independence says "All men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
2016-02-29 10:29 pm
what do you mean replace? "Out Of Many One" is already on our money

I trust in do 98% of all americans trust in some kind of God, why should we do anything sjust to placate your sorryass foolishness

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