Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an fvcking Oscar :D!.... What are your thoughts about this!?

2016-02-29 7:04 am

回答 (652)

2016-02-29 10:32 pm
Leo should have won an Oscar for what's eating Gilbert grape... Shutter island... Wolf of Wall Street... Titanic... Basketball diaries... Inception... J Edgar.... Revolutionary road.... PLUS I keep hearing he's producing & coming out in a movie where he plays the character of billy Milligan... A man with a personality disorder of 24 different personalities! Im really excited for it to come out. Any movie with Leonardo Dicaprio in it is always an exceptional film in my eyes. hes such a complex actor, he can play any role of any character of ANY film genre.. whether it be thriller, romance, fantasy, action, comedy, history, crime, family, mystery... Etc. (As well as Depp) I'm super super happy for Leo! I know he doesn't need the validation of an Oscar to prove he's truly one of the best, he and the whole world already knows... But he still truly deserves it. Idky Johnny Depp hasn't won an Oscar either?? He & Leo are the only 2 who I feel are even in the same level when it comes to acting
2016-02-29 8:49 pm
I am so glad that he won an oscar but lets be real, the oscar is worth nothing in comparison to his entire career. The revenant wasn't even close to one of his best movies. He only got it because the academy decided that he was worthy of it based on his overall career and that the social media world would go insane if he didn't win it, not because of his performance in that movie. It would have been glorious if he won it much earlier as a result of titanic or the wolf of wall street or the great gatsby. Overall, I am so glad for Leo, but this oscar isn't/ shouldn't make a big deal/influence on his overall career. Oscar or no oscar, Leo is an amazing actor and will hopefully continue to uphold that title
2016-02-29 3:08 pm
Finally they did justice with this actor. He should have won 2-3 times now! I wonder how he didn't get even nomination for Titanic's jack!! Anyways as his fan I am veryyy happy :)
2016-03-01 5:40 am
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-02-29 4:45 pm
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs has the most powerful microscope in the world. It can focus on an area the width of a hydrogen atom. This microscope, the most powerful one in the world, couldn't measure how little I care about Leonardo DeCaprio winning an Oscar Award.
2016-03-02 3:41 am
Agreed - Finally.
So glad - Congrats to him!!

However, I know everyone will crucify me for this...
But I far preferred him in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape.
And Wolf of Wall Street, for that matter.
Maybe because I liked those films better??

I hated the Revenant - Worst film I have seen in ages.

Depressing films need some light relief to be bearable and believable.
This was meant to be true - but was over the top.

Leonardo did a great job acting in it though!
So I do understand why he won.
Also there was pressure on the academy, as he should have won one years ago.

Just my opinion :)
Bring on the hate - I can take it hehe.

I was totally over the heavy breathing fogging up the camera by about the third time lol.
It was so obviously the director trying to be 'creative' it became comical to us.

Towards the end we were all trying not to laugh at just how awful and depressing it was - it made it unrealistic and too exaggerated, unlike some of the other truly great dramas, of the past.
Therefore none of us ever really invested in it.
The true story would have been quite a different tale, no doubt.

There is such a thing as too much, too often.
Sorry everyone.
I realise I seem to be the minority...
(majority with my friends though).
2016-03-01 3:20 am
2016-02-29 5:25 pm
I think Miners, Firemen, Fishermen, Steel workers, Steeple jacks, and many more daily serving people don't get Oscars or the ridiculously high pay! a self serving self praising bunch of spoiled individual in the most part, Not that all actors and the like join in.
2016-03-01 4:08 am
Leonardo DiCaprio is the most overrated actor. He gets the best roles but his acting comes off as unnatural and forced. He gets over emotional and his timing is all wrong. On the other hand Bryan Cranston is a phenomenal actor who deserves each and every award he gets. Leonardo is popular but as far as acting skills go, hes not that good at all. He may be better compared to Tom Cruise but crap when compared to Ben Kingsley, Bryan Cranston, Tom Macy, Morgan Freeman etc....
2016-02-29 8:31 pm
No. He won an Oscar. Big deal! Just another celebrity who is given an award for pretending to be someone and getting paid a lot of money to make mistakes.
2016-02-29 6:13 pm
In general, I don't care about the Oscars, because they usually do not reflect my opinions. However DiCaprio did a wonderful in the movie and I believe that he deserved this one. However, it is not going to change anything in my life nor is it going to improve the quality of life for a lot of people in the US.
2016-03-02 2:46 am
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-03 1:20 am
Rip Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar memes 1993-2016
2016-03-02 1:18 am
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-02-29 7:06 am
2016-02-29 6:21 pm
I'm with Paulahome.
One award show for entertainers (actors and singers) is too many.

I went out to get some food and watched the Oscars for 10 to 15 min.
I don't see the point.
YouTube clips are more than adequate for me.
2016-02-29 6:16 pm
Im actually happy for him. An A list actor like should have a couple oscars by now
2016-02-29 3:08 pm
It's about time
2016-03-02 1:47 am
"And turns out that God... He's a squirrel. Yeah, big ol' meaty one."
2016-03-01 7:08 pm
Can't be bothered going into why but some friends I know very down to earth and lovely ended up on a yacht party where he was. He was unbelievably rude and disrespectful about a piece of clothing their late grandad had bought them and threw it across the deck so yeah great actor but he's a ******** and I judge people on how they treat others not their talent as everyone has talent. It's how you treat people that matters.
2016-02-29 4:18 pm
crying because of I can no longer say I won as many oscars as Leonardo Decaprio
2016-03-01 8:58 am
I think, "who gives a fvck?" $20 million wasn't enough of a reward for you to play pretend, you want a fvcking award too? I hate Hollywood. THE MAN GOT PAID 20 MILLION!!!!
2016-03-02 1:38 am
I'm not a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio's acting skills.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt should win an Oscar for Best Actor. Or Christian Bale. Those two can act.
2016-02-29 4:58 pm
I have no thoughts to be honest...good for him I guess
But him or any other actor winning an oscar doesnt do a thing for MY life.
2016-02-29 3:07 pm
It's a job and not rocket science. They put their pants on the same way as the rest of us. Probably he's good at it but many others also do good work.
2016-03-02 12:54 am
2016-03-03 8:30 pm
i don't give a f
2016-03-03 12:40 pm
You people seriously need to get lives. I can understand talking about "The Revenant" because in some ways it was a really good movie (especially the cinematography) but who the hell cares about some actor? HE doesn't care if any of YOU live or die.
2016-03-03 3:36 am
WHO CARES! I don t really get why he or any "actor" for that matter is a "celebrity" cause I do not see the difference from them "acting" and them being themselves in a interview. What are you paying for?

Why do we buy their crap and waste our money? so they make all that money bang models and laugh behind the backs of their fans, for their fans being naive and wasting their own precious time where they could be learning something for their own or worlds benefit.

Actors/Actresses are not saving someones life like a surgeon would, even a surgeon does not end up making millions of dollars per patient. I don't get it.

Then to make it worse, celebrities sit on their millions and don't do anything to help anyone, sure they give some money to non-profits OR they open their own non profit foundations, but that is just for tax right off purposes, which in turn employs people to try to cure or figure out a solution to a problem, which USUALLY more then not has no viable solution since the amount of money poured into the non- profit is not enough to solve anything (hence the tax right off) And, it also encourages them to actually not find the cure or solution to the problem, since, if they actually do, the non-profit or foundation would be out of business and those people would be out of work.

I would rather give my money to something that could actually help someone, like a non-profit that actually had a viable solution, then to someone that is just going to sit on their billions of dollars, and not doing anything with it. Celebrities suck.

You know whom should be getting a award all the Firemen, surgeons, doctors, paramedics etc in the world that saved someones' life.
2016-03-03 1:59 am
Why would I have thoughts about it?

I don't fvcking care about Hollyweird, or the Oscars, or DiCaprio.
2016-03-01 10:45 pm
Who cares? Is it going to bring the end to war? NO! Is it going to feed the hungry? NO! Is it going to make people stop being morons and idiots? NO! It changes NOTHING except the price DiCaprio can now charge for a job he does because he loves it, and he's not exactly underpaid at this point anyway.
2016-03-01 7:11 pm
Awards shows are a waste of time
2016-03-01 4:52 am
I don't give a xxshitxx. So he donates money to causes, misses his relationship with Dr. Skylar Ulrich, and dates celebrity dancers and models. A mature man would settle down with a family or at least decide to raise orphans, breed dogs, or get a long-term live-in girlfriend who is not required to be six feet tall and anorexic. He was good in two films. Whoop-dee-dee.
2016-02-29 6:43 pm
you people are being too over dramatic about it there are plenty of actors who are as great and haven't won a Oscar
2016-02-29 3:05 pm
2016-02-29 8:06 am
It's about time.
2016-03-03 4:32 pm
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-01 8:56 pm
2016-02-29 8:06 pm
I'm answering just for the points, so don't get your panties wet ladies. I don't give a fuq about.....whatever his name is. People are suffering all around the world, but you idiots cares about some delusional freak winning an Oscar?
參考: Get a life, morons!
2016-03-01 12:22 pm
2016-03-01 4:55 pm
Leo should have won an Oscar for what's eating Gilbert grape... Shutter island... Wolf of Wall Street... Titanic... Basketball diaries... Inception... J Edgar.... Revolutionary road.... PLUS I keep hearing he's producing & coming out in a movie where he plays the character of billy Milligan... A man with a personality disorder of 24 different personalities! Im really excited for it to come out. Any movie with Leonardo Dicaprio in it is always an exceptional film in my eyes. hes such a complex actor, he can play any role of any character of ANY film genre.. whether it be thriller, romance, fantasy, action, comedy, history, crime, family, mystery... Etc. (As well as Depp) I'm super super happy for Leo! I know he doesn't need the validation of an Oscar to prove he's truly one of the best, he and the whole world already knows... But he still truly deserves it. Idky Johnny Depp hasn't won an Oscar either?? He & Leo are the only 2 who I feel are even in the same level when it comes to acting
2016-03-03 9:26 pm
It is good for him. But I could care less since I never watched a single movie the good actor was in!
2016-03-03 7:58 pm
He did not win the Oscar for acting ability. He only won it because he has been in many blockbuster movies. Money talks.
2016-03-02 10:28 am
Who Cares, there are more important issues in the world than this boy from Titanic
2016-03-02 2:18 am
The world will finally be a better place.
2016-03-02 12:53 am
I don't give a RIP who wins an Oscar, and who doesn't. I know it's meaningful to Hollywood, but it's not to me.
2016-03-01 9:16 pm
It's Horrible! It decreases my joke inventory by about 1/8!
2016-03-01 5:29 pm
Ha ha ha. It wasn't his performance getting raped by a bear, and he's deserved awards in the past as many noted. It must be his belief in "climate change" that did it. He pleased the far left loons who run the show and they rewarded him. Hollywood is run by racist bigots who only hand out awards to those who tow the liberal line.
Why do you think so many of these actors all support the far left agenda? They want the rewards it brings. Can't blame them for wanting to reap those rewards for acting they way the establishment wants them to act.
Truth always takes a backseat to money and ideology.
2016-03-01 4:30 pm
Honestly i think they should have given it to frickn brad pitt.
2016-03-01 12:15 pm
No one should get an oscar just because they never had one no matter how good they are, it defeats the purpose. Might as well hand out oscars to all good actors who never got one, ridiculous!
2016-03-01 11:54 am
I'm flying jack! So am I dear????
2016-02-29 10:21 pm
So very amazing!!!! His role in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape should have won him 2 he was so amazing, him and Johnny Depp! Pure gold, and not to even me mention the Titanic!!! So glad! It's about time.
2016-02-29 6:05 pm
All I know is there is hope for me finding a permanent job now this has happened.
2016-02-29 5:37 pm
Well, I thought he would have had to wait longer for his Oscar :P
Anyway, he deserved it.
2016-02-29 4:39 pm
2016-02-29 4:39 pm
He deserves it
2016-02-29 4:31 pm
Well deserved
2016-02-29 4:11 pm
He a great actor
2016-02-29 3:47 pm
I happy about this, he actually deserved it after watching that outstanding performance from that bear attack scene, but i never got a chance to see "The Revenant".

I wish they gave it to Bryan Cranston the Best Actor award for "Trumbo" instead for his performance in a bathtub.
2016-02-29 3:46 pm
It's about time!
2016-03-01 7:41 pm
Some ppl think that Leo won for the wrong film but who cares about that? The only qualification is best of the year, and I don't think anyone did more prepwork and did better nonverbal acting then Leonardo DiCaprio. Hes a guy who's done many good performances and is passionate about the craft, so good for him.
2016-03-01 5:39 pm
I congratulate Leonardo DiCaprio on winning his first Oscar. But, I honestly think he should have won one for
the Titanic
2016-03-01 4:51 pm
Who the FVCK is Leonardo DiCaprio?
2016-03-01 2:55 pm
Personally I think he deserves it. A lot of the other films he's been nominated for, I can understand why he didn't win. And this was the first film where (I think) he actually did an, 'Oscar worthy' job. He had to eat raw bison's liver for god's sake! Good for him. But the people who say he should have won an Oscar for The Wolf of Wall Street are just jumping on the bandwagon. He went up against, Matthew McConaughey, and Chiwetel Ejiofor.
This was the only year where I think he was actually better than all the other nominees. But that's just my opinion.
2016-03-01 8:23 am
congratulation Mr Dicaprio
2016-03-01 5:50 am
He's only had "bad luck" until now I guess... but what does a top paid actor have to complain about, I guess.
someone suggested he receive an Oscar for his performance in Critters 3:
https://retrospring.net/KickoBang/a/882987 what do you guys think. didn't know till now.
2016-02-29 4:15 pm
He really deserved it !! He's amazing at what he does!
2016-02-29 3:47 pm
He's a great actor he deserves it
2016-02-29 3:45 pm
2016-02-29 7:06 am
2016-02-29 6:04 pm
who cares? he's a terrible actor. a monkey with downs could do a better job than him. get a life you morons.
2016-03-01 2:54 pm
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-01 10:40 am
Leonardo DiCaprio’s long-pending maiden Academy win is not just special for him but it has emerged as a record-breaker by being the most-tweeted moment of an Oscars broadcast ever.
2016-02-29 7:25 am
Who cares?
2016-03-04 8:57 am
Finally! Congratulations, Leonardo DiCarpio.
2016-03-04 2:46 am
******* revenant was a boring *** movie. Matt Damon should've won. But Leonardo DiCaprio should've have won an oscar for past movies he has such as Wolf of Wall Street.
2016-03-03 7:51 pm
he was awful in the Revenant not because of his acting, but because he just doesn't fit the real Hugh Glass figure. People who thought that he did probably haven't read Glass's books and whatever...

but other than that

Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-03 4:18 pm
Wear a diaper
2016-03-03 3:00 pm
2016-03-03 2:40 pm
Ehh....it wasn't as exciting as I thought. I wanted him to be more immature and loud about it but he gave an environment speech. He definitely practiced it, I'll give him that. Oh btw way someone should tell him that private jets are a killer at the pump.
2016-03-03 4:20 am
I'm kinda upset about it because it was like a tradition for him not to win
2016-03-03 2:19 am
It's great ;D! But I don't like him trying to admire Indigenous people of Americas though. The majority were savages, ate peoples hearts, sacrificed people, the list goes on. They were applicable to diseases and that's what wiped them out. ANY culture clash between the natives and any other nation would have resulted in their population being tremendously reduced due to their extremely low immune systems since America was such an isolationist nation.
2016-03-02 12:24 pm
Leonardo who?
2016-03-02 3:24 am
2016-03-02 2:16 am
I can't describe how little I care.
2016-03-02 1:52 am
Good for him! He was nominated for "What's eating Gilbert Grape" and should have won. Only actor I've seen outshine Johnny Depp. And he was just a teenager.
2016-03-02 1:51 am
Great Actor.
2016-03-02 1:45 am
Who is he???
2016-03-02 12:58 am
He lost all of my respect with his Global Warming nonsense. It reveals what he is on the inside: a brainwashed drone.
2016-03-02 12:08 am
That's the last thing in the world I care about.
2016-03-01 11:36 pm
That's fine.
2016-03-01 11:25 pm
I think 90% of the people congratulating him don't even know the name of the movie he won it for; all they know is Titanic and Great Gatsby
2016-03-01 11:10 pm
Who cares
2016-03-01 9:27 pm
Yes soooo happy for him! He should say "Take that Gisele"
2016-03-01 9:18 pm
it's bullsh!t the bear should've won
2016-03-01 8:18 pm
I care less about the mutual admiration society. It is painfully long and boring.
2016-03-01 8:07 pm
his a great guy and he surely deserved it
2016-03-01 8:02 pm
pretty cool. too bad no one watched him get the award except the media.
2016-03-01 6:57 pm
he is my fav actor ...I have been his fan since i watched titatnic movie...
2016-03-01 6:06 pm
this slow cooked pulled beef is FÜCKING AMAZING..o yea, bully for that kid too.
2016-03-01 6:06 pm
**** we can't use the DiCaprio meme anymore.
2016-03-01 5:45 pm
I, Rev. Andrew Angel, believe he earned it-I was, however, sad to see Stallone leave empty handed
2016-03-01 5:25 pm
Good for him but why do stars need awards, isn't the $20 million per movie enough?
2016-03-01 4:17 pm
I don't care.
2016-03-01 3:49 pm
I'm so happy for him. He truly deserved it. He also talked about how dangerous global warming is.
2016-03-01 11:27 am
He deserves it. It's his job; and he worked hard for it
2016-03-01 11:03 am
If you're going to swear why don't you do it properly, instead of censoring yourself ?
2016-03-01 10:35 am
Whoolty soppy der - big deal - he's just another actor to me - I did like his performances in the movie ???? catch me if you can and the film ???? the departed
2016-03-01 10:32 am
YAS LEO!!! but I'm sad that this means an end to all the memes
2016-03-01 10:29 am
I don't really care for him or the fact he finally got one. I don't know too much about his film career after he left the show Growing Pains.Seems like a very overrated film actor to me.
2016-03-01 7:21 am
Good for him! I don't really care though personally
2016-03-01 5:38 am
I wonder if they gave him the oscars because of his skills as an actor or because everyone wanted him to get one
2016-03-01 5:20 am
I don't think he is the best actor. Overrated in my book, and I'm white lol
2016-03-01 3:22 am
I see that half of you people couldn't care less about Leo winning an Oscar Award. Let me tell you that .............I too, couldn't care less !
2016-03-01 2:07 am
Couldn't care less - he should flog his global warming scam else where.
2016-03-01 1:26 am
No more memes of him..
2016-03-01 1:17 am
2016-02-29 11:45 pm
Ryan: "I don't really care about Leonardo."

Lindsey: "The Revenant was really bad. I love Leo though. I've had a crush on him since I was like, 4."

Alex: FINALLY! I love him.

Lam: He's Asian so he doesn't really talk
2016-02-29 11:36 pm
Im glad he won
2016-02-29 11:13 pm
My thoughts are... Well my husband finally won an Oscar. Goddamn it!!!!!
2016-02-29 10:20 pm
I feel like there's a lesson in there about the value of hard work, persistance and remaining humble.
2016-02-29 10:14 pm
So many people are negative about this subject, but personally, I'm happy for him. He looked really cute and happy watching it being made, like a child watching his mother cook a favorite meal.
2016-02-29 9:59 pm
I'm so happy for him! He deserved it. :D
2016-02-29 9:51 pm
Great but I'm tired of hearing about it
2016-02-29 9:37 pm
2016-02-29 9:29 pm
Well deserved and long overdue
2016-02-29 9:21 pm
It's about time!!!!
2016-02-29 8:32 pm
It's deserved. Awsome movie. ..loved the movie, despite gruesome scenes.
2016-02-29 8:25 pm
I'm gonna miss the jokes about it, but he definitely deserved the win. :)
2016-02-29 7:35 pm
About time well deserved
2016-02-29 7:02 pm
He should have won it a long time ago....
2016-02-29 6:54 pm
that tom hardy should have won
2016-02-29 6:46 pm
Deserve it..
2016-02-29 6:45 pm
Now I can sleep at night!
2016-02-29 6:43 pm
The memes are finally over
2016-02-29 6:26 pm
I m very pleased. He has done a number of really good and interesting films throughout his career and he deserve one.
2016-02-29 6:25 pm
Im happy!
2016-02-29 6:18 pm
when I found out I was just like " FINALLY " lol he deserved it
2016-02-29 6:09 pm
Its about time
2016-02-29 5:39 pm
I am sooooo glad for him, he deserved it so many times.
2016-02-29 5:28 pm
good for him...well deserved
2016-02-29 5:28 pm
Prepare yourself for THE MEMES!
2016-02-29 5:08 pm
Congrats he's waited long enough!
2016-02-29 4:35 pm
2016-02-29 4:31 pm
Whats the prob? He deserves it.
2016-02-29 4:30 pm
The meme...has ended.
2016-02-29 4:18 pm
I didn't see the movie
2016-02-29 4:15 pm
VERY excited for him!!!
2016-02-29 3:35 pm
It should have happened sooner!
2016-02-29 3:14 pm
he should've won won for Titanic or catch me if you can......if you ask me....
2016-02-29 8:17 am
He's come a long way since being on Growing Pains.

"Jack, Jack, I'll never let you go...except right now when I actually will let go so that you sink into the icy ocean."
2016-03-03 9:56 am
It’s Oscars night. Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won the Academy Award for Best Actor in a historic moment for his career. You’re in the press room backstage, and you get to ask him the one final question before the press conference interview is wrapped up.

2016-03-03 4:19 am
2016-03-02 1:13 pm
I am not a fan of him...but I know a great actor when I see one. With drama anyways. He deserved several Oscars in my opinion. High time the man got one! Bravo.

We didn't really watch the Oscars though, just the final bit and muted the "Talking", heard it was going to be turned into a race thing. People don't seem to understand that humans are all one race, get the hell over it, ALL of you. And stop ruining good things with your stupidity. We watched the end and saw black people griping about white people, and white people making fun of black people. A mockery, this years Oscars turned out to be.
2016-03-02 8:13 am
FVCKING FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and all dem memes are dead now.
2016-03-02 4:12 am
Leondardo DiCaprio congratulations
2016-03-02 3:49 am
Honestly I say FINALLY!!! This man has been an amazing actor for years. His best movies though I'd say is Blood Diamond, Shutter Island, The Departed etc. I agree with Alex up above this man can play any genre so yes it is about time.
2016-03-02 2:55 am
2016-03-02 2:35 am
Academy Award Winner Leonardo DiCaprio has a nice ring to it.
2016-03-02 2:12 am
It's about time. He deserved this since what's eating Gilbert Grape (Movie with him and Johnny Depp) Lot of people say titanic was the movie that Leonardo Di Caprio was first nominated.

But it was easily what's eating Gilbert Grape. He stole his delivery each time (playing a disabled person is tough)

Hope he can continue to make good movies after this
2016-03-02 12:20 am
In Django Unchained he accidentally smashed his hand in glass, and needed stitches, but kept filming with the bleeding hand! He smeared it on one of the other characters face as an act of evil dominance which was not part of the script, but the scene made it into the final movie anyway. He deserved it!
2016-03-01 7:07 pm
If it puts a stop to the memes, then I say great.

But already, I've been seeing a huge increase in Gary Oldman memes. Not a good sign.
2016-03-01 3:24 pm
He is a good actor, but making a speech about this CO2 global warming BS is lame especially when he is a hypocrite like the rest of them flying around in jets all the time.
2016-03-01 1:08 pm
He's a good actor but a total douchebag. Preaches climate change yet has his own private jet. He's just a puke.
2016-03-01 9:11 am
I'm glad he did, hell even the other nominees were glad.
2016-03-01 8:18 am
They are going to announce tomorrow that the academy awards made a mistake and they did not mean to pick him

2016-03-01 8:14 am
Congrats! I loved it that he advised us to stop procrastinating. :) Such a good advice.
2016-03-01 4:33 am
It's about time! Though I feel like they just gave it to him because the world was begging for it. But still, YAY! Now the memes of him NOT getting an Oscar will finally stop
2016-02-29 10:45 pm
He was to receive an Oscar for a long time. For example, for her role in Titanic!
2016-02-29 9:47 pm
He definitely deserved it but he was a amazing actor even if he didn't get the oscar.
2016-02-29 9:39 pm
Good for the award, too bad he had to turn it into a rant about global warming.
2016-02-29 9:38 pm
He should have won a long time ago.
2016-02-29 6:59 pm
its about time Leo's a good actor and I glad he's got an oscar finally
2016-02-29 5:41 pm
The mitochondria is often called the powerhouse of the cell.
2016-02-29 4:44 pm
Now he can start taking roles for fun instead of trying so hard (the irony is that he'll probably start winning more Oscars when he does that).
2016-02-29 4:25 pm
What if it's another inception?
2016-02-29 4:02 pm
It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid................He's white !
2016-02-29 3:30 pm
Whoopie doo
2016-03-03 7:06 pm
2016-03-03 1:56 am
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-02 12:22 am
2016-03-01 4:57 pm
I think it is about time he won an Oscar because he is an amazing actor.It is shocking that he has never won an Oscar before,it comes to show that Oscars should not be a way to measure how good an actor is because it is pretty much a popularity contest most of the time.
2016-03-01 8:52 am
I'm glad he got oscar.. But I think revenant wasn't the movie he really showed his best.. He could've won oscar for "THE WOLF OF THE WALL STREET"... I don't think he can handle any role of character but he is a good actor in his own unique way.. I love him not bcoz hes a teenage heartthrob but bcoz how he improves year after year..nd it's obvious that he tries hard to improve his quality of acting to do mature character.. If he keeps on trying like this he'll definitely be a phenomenal actor..Gud luck LEO>>
2016-02-29 6:44 pm
I care more about whether you fold or crinkle your toilet paper to wipe your a.s.s. than I do the Oscars. Of all the things that don't matter in life the Oscars would be near the top of the list.
2016-02-29 6:40 pm
the ngger should have won
2016-02-29 4:56 pm
I care 2 dustbunnies about decaprio,the oscars,chris rock,or this weeks' tv veggy cooker.
2016-02-29 8:11 am
He is an idiot
2016-02-29 7:07 am
Lies, OP is a phaggot.
2016-02-29 7:07 am
i don't care. It doesn't pertain to my life at all.
2016-02-29 3:03 pm
I don't watch those cartoons.
2016-02-29 7:34 am
I think Tom Hanks should've been nominated and won. The only good movie with good acting was Bridge of Spies.
2016-02-29 7:06 am
Good now everyone can shut the hell up
2016-02-29 4:21 pm
Is it really an Oscar or citrus what they did with John Wayne where yes he won an Oscar what is essentially just a lifetime achievement award the reason how I can prove this is the AFI lifetime achievement award came out about 4 years after he won the first nominee was John Ford so in my opinion all of this is just Hollywood a say no we made a mistake of we made a mistake I'm sorry
2016-03-09 4:05 am
What about an Oscar beating?
2016-03-08 7:58 am
Deserves it. Great actor
2016-03-07 9:44 pm
2016-03-07 5:16 pm
So proud of him !!
2016-03-07 3:04 pm
He deserved it.
2016-03-07 6:59 am
Better acting from the bear.
2016-03-07 4:01 am
He deserves it so i am very content
2016-03-07 2:53 am
I liked him in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and I liked him in Titanic. It's too bad that these winners couldn't publicly share their joy at being nominated due to the immature "black has to be included in everything" whines. And before anyone gets on me, I am part black. I just think there's too much attention on the plights of black past and using it to get a free ride and free ownership into everything while the rest of human ethnicities ALSO had plights before yet they don't try to get rewarded eternally.
2016-03-05 11:40 pm
Real wolf of the Hollywood!
2016-03-05 5:49 am
to be honest i don't really care
2016-03-05 3:25 am
He should have won a long time ago. The departed I think was his best performance. He wasn't even nominated because of lead actor issues I think. He would have won if he were though.
2016-03-05 1:56 am
2016-03-05 1:39 am
im glad he finally got it, he deserves it...... Titanic is my FAVORITE movie of all time
2016-03-05 1:19 am
Rip dank Leonardo memes 2016
2016-03-05 1:10 am
Good for him
2016-03-05 1:03 am
2016-03-05 12:56 am
2016-03-05 12:23 am
really happy for him
2016-03-05 12:14 am
2016-03-05 12:06 am
so happy for him!
2016-03-04 8:31 pm
I didn't feel sorry for martin scorsese getting passed over all these years, cause he had beverly d'angelo. DiCaprio,,, the bear should have gotten an Oscar before him.
2016-03-04 5:33 pm
Finally! He's deserved one for ages.
2016-03-04 12:22 pm
Yes, finally.All hail
2016-03-04 10:49 am
Im absolutely glad
2016-03-04 7:54 am
2016-03-04 7:34 am
Congrats to him, but does it really matter?
2016-03-04 7:06 am
2016-03-04 5:55 am
He should have got one for The man in the Iron Mask
2016-03-03 2:07 pm
2016-03-03 3:32 am
will smth didn't win an Oscar and it was the best Oscar ever,,,
2016-03-03 2:05 am
he won 'A' fvcking oscar not AN.......if you left out the "fvcking" you would be right.
2016-03-03 1:18 am
We should have a day off
We should have a week off!
2016-03-03 1:18 am
He should've won for every movie he has done!!!
2016-03-03 1:06 am
he deserved it
2016-03-03 12:44 am
His first Oscar and he did it on a speech about climate change...
2016-03-03 12:38 am
GREAT... GREAT... GREAT PERFORMANCE ...especially the part where he saw his characters son being killed.... GREAT REACTION
2016-03-03 12:32 am
2016-03-03 12:18 am
My thoughts: Finally! :D
2016-03-03 12:11 am
He's a good man an urned it
2016-03-02 11:59 pm
He deserves it more than others who have definitely not worked as hard and brought so much talent like he has!
2016-03-02 11:12 pm
Good for leo he deserves it
2016-03-02 11:12 pm
Glad for him
2016-03-02 10:54 pm
2016-03-02 10:37 pm
He deserved it
2016-03-02 10:24 pm
It was great! Finally! Congrats Leonardo :)
2016-03-02 9:33 pm
he shold have more Oscars Hollywood is fake
2016-03-02 9:00 pm
Absolutely over the moon for him! He definitely deserves it, but it should've been given to him years and years ago. Congratulations Leo!????
2016-03-02 8:15 pm
Not a DiCaprio fan, but He absolutely deserves it. The movie was phenomenal.
2016-03-02 8:02 pm
2016-03-02 8:01 pm
It has been a long so journey that he didn't seem to care much that he left his oscar behind when attending a bar
2016-03-02 7:28 pm
Congrats to him! It was long overdue, it was about time he won. Such an amazing actor!
2016-03-02 7:21 pm
Finally! He deserved it!!!
2016-03-02 7:04 pm
pity he did not go down with the titanic.
2016-03-02 7:02 pm
He should have already had it for Wall Street
2016-03-02 6:38 pm
He is class
2016-03-02 6:25 pm
I feel as if you should edit the title to, "... won A fvcking Oscsr" ;)
2016-03-02 6:23 pm
Jerkoff Peter puffer
2016-03-02 6:01 pm
ill deserved for a poor fat actor and date rapist
2016-03-02 5:58 pm
wow that's ashamed I feel like he deservd to win from the very beginning especially the role in titantic classic!!! but congrats to him
2016-03-02 5:06 pm
Its just an award made by people. Life goes on.
2016-03-02 4:34 pm
Pheww!! at last !
2016-03-02 4:10 pm
It's about time!
2016-03-02 2:57 pm
He's okay I like his acting
2016-03-02 1:56 pm
He's a good actor.....As Romeo and Juliet when he was very young, he was very skilled....I'm an English teacher in UK who teaches Shakespeare......good for him.
2016-03-02 1:51 pm
Let's see him save the planet now without leaving his own enormous carbon footprint !
2016-03-02 1:07 pm
Finally he deserved it
2016-03-02 12:59 pm
He deserves it
2016-03-02 12:44 pm
Worth it
2016-03-02 11:08 am
good for him
2016-03-02 10:52 am
he should have won for hoop dreams
2016-03-02 10:25 am
2016-03-02 10:25 am
don't care
2016-03-02 9:55 am
Congrats fro my side he won it .
2016-03-02 8:59 am
2016-03-02 8:55 am
At last
2016-03-02 8:00 am
hes OK but johnny Depp should of won the Oscar
2016-03-02 7:59 am
After all the iconic works he have done and finally , he won , its so wonderful, I men its inspiring as well. Dreams come true <3
2016-03-02 7:37 am
Well done
2016-03-02 7:31 am
bout damn time
2016-03-02 7:18 am
2016-03-02 6:18 am
About time
2016-03-02 6:02 am
You're spelling thooo! (fvcking) That's my new word now "Fvcking" :D and Fvck yeah!! Good on ya Leo
2016-03-02 5:51 am
Congratulation to him.
2016-03-02 5:01 am
Well deserved
2016-03-02 4:59 am
2016-03-02 4:40 am
I always thought that Leonardo already had an Oscar. Well, I just learned something new today.
2016-03-02 4:35 am
It's about damn time now he can make more movies
2016-03-02 4:14 am
2016-03-02 4:14 am
2016-03-02 4:09 am
I'm happy for him, I think he deserved it
2016-03-02 4:04 am
it was about time
2016-03-02 4:01 am
I love him. He deserved it.
2016-03-02 3:42 am
2016-03-02 3:36 am
He deserved it.
2016-03-02 3:01 am
He deserved one
2016-03-02 2:56 am
He should be wining from before and every F year!
2016-03-02 2:52 am
2016-03-02 2:47 am
He deserves it!!!!!
2016-03-02 2:36 am
2016-03-02 2:19 am
He deserves it
2016-03-02 1:57 am
About ******* time
2016-03-02 1:49 am
Well deserved, overdue, love him!
2016-03-02 1:45 am
Cats and hot dogs are awesome.
2016-03-02 1:44 am
He is one of the greatest actors of all time and this was way past due.
2016-03-02 1:23 am
I don't really care.
2016-03-02 1:16 am
He deserved one, and finally he got one
2016-03-02 1:15 am
He deserved one finally! There won't be any more jokes tho :/
2016-03-02 1:14 am
Hey... thats pretty good!
2016-03-02 1:09 am
2016-03-02 1:00 am
about time
2016-03-02 12:57 am
I'm glad he won, he deserves it. :)
2016-03-02 12:43 am
best thing that can happen. always wished why didn't he get one and when will he. what other amazing things can happen next!
2016-03-02 12:36 am
2016-03-02 12:35 am
He is not really an awards kind of guy. Ask him, but congratulations!
2016-03-02 12:31 am
Really do not give a toot; have never watched any of his movies, except when he played the disabled kid in 'Gilbert Grape.'
2016-03-02 12:31 am
get a vegan president
2016-03-02 12:30 am
It's just sad that it barely happened when he was in masterpieces over 20 years ago
2016-03-02 12:25 am
WellI that escalated quickly..
2016-03-02 12:21 am
Who the hell cares?
2016-03-02 12:18 am
He obviously deserved it, it more an award for his career, then just for the revenant
2016-03-02 12:17 am
About time! he's great!
2016-03-02 12:10 am
one word (after this)... FINALLY!!!!!
2016-03-02 12:03 am
He deserves it
2016-03-02 12:01 am
I am surprised
2016-03-01 11:55 pm
dont give a sundae
2016-03-01 11:53 pm
2016-03-01 11:51 pm
Leo didn t even fit the profile of the character in Revenant. He put in his ALL though that he did, but the pretty boy shines RIGHT thru.
Leo SHOULD have won Oscars for OTHER things he did. NOT this!
2016-03-01 11:48 pm
Finally! So happy for him. He earned it!
2016-03-01 11:35 pm
Long overdue haha
2016-03-01 11:27 pm
he deserved it
2016-03-01 11:05 pm
At last...
2016-03-01 10:55 pm
He deserves it after all this time.
2016-03-01 10:50 pm
It wasn't as spectacular and grand as I thought the moment would be
2016-03-01 10:39 pm
Good for him.
2016-03-01 10:37 pm
what a hack...i didn't waste money on ANY of those movies.
2016-03-01 10:34 pm
Obviously the voting of who wins what is ******* skewed. He, along with so many others, are a **** ton more deserving than others who have multiple awards.
2016-03-01 10:31 pm
WOOT!!!!!!! BOUT F U C K I N G TIME!!!
2016-03-01 10:30 pm
Who cares?? :- )
2016-03-01 10:30 pm
Endlich ????????
2016-03-01 10:26 pm
I'm very happy.
2016-03-01 10:24 pm
I'm happy for him
2016-03-01 10:21 pm
personally he deserves it for all the hard work he has done
2016-03-01 10:20 pm
2016-03-01 10:15 pm
For all the movies he has been in, I was really surprised that it was his first Oscar.
2016-03-01 10:15 pm
He's a prick
2016-03-01 10:12 pm
2016-03-01 10:10 pm
Amazing he deserved it 100%
2016-03-01 10:10 pm
Congrats to him! But now the meme has died ):
2016-03-01 10:09 pm
He deserved it. He should have got one a long time ago
2016-03-01 9:55 pm
i don't care
2016-03-01 9:54 pm
He deserves it!
2016-03-01 9:50 pm
Who gives a ****?
2016-03-01 9:49 pm
He deserved it.
2016-03-01 9:34 pm
hes so hot on tiytanic
2016-03-01 9:32 pm
It was long overdue
2016-03-01 9:26 pm
2016-03-01 9:24 pm
Awesome, grats Leo.
2016-03-01 9:19 pm
So happy
2016-03-01 9:17 pm
This shirt.
2016-03-01 9:13 pm
I think he deserves it !! I mean he has done a lot of amazing movies soo...he totally deserves it .
2016-03-01 9:10 pm
2016-03-01 9:08 pm
GOAT God Level
2016-03-01 9:08 pm
It's about time. Well deserved win.
2016-03-01 9:07 pm
swag stain silly pills
2016-03-01 9:07 pm
Finally. And i realized he's an environmentalist. Whoo
2016-03-01 8:39 pm
dont really care
2016-03-01 8:35 pm
He's amazing
2016-03-01 8:29 pm
Proud of him ????
2016-03-01 8:24 pm
Finally he is my favorite actor
2016-03-01 8:12 pm
I'm glad for him. He's a very talented guy and deserves it.
2016-03-01 8:00 pm
At long last.
2016-03-01 7:59 pm
2016-03-01 7:56 pm
He's gay and was caught sucking Leo's d*ck the other night.
2016-03-01 7:54 pm
He has been robbed for years, maybe someone doesnt like him in Hollywood
2016-03-01 7:47 pm
2016-03-01 7:42 pm
I'm really proud of him and he deserved it. I literally cried happy tears when he won!
2016-03-01 7:38 pm
The bear should of won it
2016-03-01 7:36 pm
2016-03-01 7:33 pm
I'm so happy for him. He totally deserves it.
2016-03-01 7:31 pm
i mean, new memes?
2016-03-01 7:14 pm
Im happy for him. It's long deserved.
2016-03-01 7:05 pm
Hey anything's possible. Congrats to Leo btw =) I'm not really a fan.
2016-03-01 6:43 pm
Simply put, it was about damn time! lol
2016-03-01 6:36 pm
2016-03-01 6:21 pm
About darn time!!!!!!!!
2016-03-01 6:15 pm
I couldnt care less about the oscars
2016-03-01 6:13 pm
About time
2016-03-01 6:13 pm
It's about time, even though the award doesn't have the meaning it used to. Congrats, Leo!
2016-03-01 6:02 pm
I am happy for him.
2016-03-01 6:01 pm
It's about time, he's been doing a great job forever and I'm happy for him he deserved it and hopefully he'll win more and more overtime
2016-03-01 6:00 pm
About time!
2016-03-01 5:57 pm
He is a very good actor and he did an amazing and very hard job in that movie.
2016-03-01 5:56 pm
good for him
2016-03-01 5:46 pm
Leo, Had a great job in the movie. I would have to say he finally found a great script.
2016-03-01 5:45 pm
should had won it for titanic.okay so he's won an oscar, one less thing for the media to make a big deal about
2016-03-01 5:44 pm
2016-03-01 5:35 pm
All the best, a great actor!!
2016-03-01 5:33 pm
2016-03-01 5:29 pm
well done
2016-03-01 5:18 pm
Tom Hardy should've got it for his role in the film not Leo all he did was make grunting noises the whole film, he's a pretty boy anyway I didn't buy his whole savage caveman role what a joke.
2016-03-01 5:12 pm
really happy for him
2016-03-01 5:11 pm
It'n it good?
2016-03-01 5:10 pm
Yes !
2016-03-01 5:01 pm
Good for him. Better not to win too early in the career, build stardom first
2016-03-01 4:52 pm
I think every movie he's in is just amazing and I think he should have gotten many oscars for his achievements in his movies he deserves way more
2016-03-01 4:44 pm
good for him
2016-03-01 4:44 pm
after we said something
2016-03-01 4:09 pm
2016-03-01 4:08 pm
better late than never
2016-03-01 4:04 pm
Many people's funny plans on posting jokes on him this year SHATTERED.
2016-03-01 3:58 pm
I didn't even know that he never won an oscar until yesterday
2016-03-01 3:56 pm
I'm so happy for him. He deserves it!
2016-03-01 3:51 pm
congrats and don t know what s right. But if u people wish to see top 5 beauty looks, visit this website, link below
2016-03-01 3:50 pm
Praise Jesus, he deserves it.
2016-03-01 3:43 pm
2016-03-01 3:19 pm
2016-03-01 3:19 pm
Who wrote this? a 13 year old girl?
2016-03-01 3:04 pm
He has millions. You should worry about yourself and your people
2016-03-01 2:42 pm
Think it's fab !
2016-03-01 2:30 pm
He deserved it!! About time!!
2016-03-01 2:28 pm
I'm ok with it
2016-03-01 2:21 pm
2016-03-01 2:11 pm
2016-03-01 2:07 pm
2016-03-01 1:59 pm
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!! <3
2016-03-01 1:49 pm
the movie really sucked! Leo has had much better performances in past films
2016-03-01 1:39 pm
I suppose he finally qualifies as one of the freaks that populate Hollywood.
2016-03-01 1:37 pm
2016-03-01 1:37 pm
He had one hell of a speech about nature protection when getting the Oscar. I appreciated it!
2016-03-01 1:28 pm
I still don't know why he didn't win before
2016-03-01 1:14 pm
not interested in your ridiculous Hollywood that needs trash Bollywood actors to survive
2016-03-01 1:05 pm
It's about time
2016-03-01 1:01 pm
he so dum
2016-03-01 12:59 pm
Really dissapointed he didn't flip off the camera and walk out the door. He's so much better than a damn Oscar.
2016-03-01 12:56 pm
wake up Leo!
2016-03-01 12:51 pm
whip t fricking do
2016-03-01 12:48 pm
2016-03-01 12:40 pm
hi hjsdjkd skjdh sjkh djksa dsh dsdhsjkdhk js
2016-03-01 12:26 pm
so what who cares.
2016-03-01 12:12 pm
I knew this question will be posted by atleast someone
2016-03-01 12:12 pm
2016-03-01 12:07 pm
No fvck was given then, and not a single fvck is given now.
2016-03-01 12:06 pm
2016-03-01 11:49 am
I cried!
2016-03-01 11:46 am
Congrats Mr.Leo!
2016-03-01 11:44 am
Finally it was about time!!
2016-03-01 11:42 am
Fully deserved. Congrats!
2016-03-01 11:37 am
2016-03-01 11:20 am
I'm actually happy for him.
2016-03-01 11:08 am
Not really anything significant to really think about... But good on him definitely!
2016-03-01 11:00 am
Congrats he a Brilliant actor long time coming.
2016-03-01 10:32 am
I'm glad that he won it
2016-03-01 10:30 am
2016-03-01 9:54 am
dicaprisun to celebrate?
2016-03-01 7:53 am
Keanu Reeves needs one more than him
2016-03-01 7:42 am
Fck yeah!! About time?
2016-03-01 7:30 am
2016-03-01 7:03 am
He did it fair and square
2016-03-01 6:52 am
2016-03-01 6:42 am
I'm happy for him :)
2016-03-01 6:40 am
2016-03-01 6:37 am
i think it's awesome although imo i think he should've won best actor for inception in 2010.
2016-03-01 6:34 am
2016-03-01 6:33 am
Good I knew he was going to win it before he did.
2016-03-01 6:29 am
Honestly that's the only thing I cared about in the Oscars.
2016-03-01 6:23 am
I screamed and posted it onto snap chat #ripheadphoneusers
2016-03-01 6:21 am
He deserves it. It's been overdue
2016-03-01 6:02 am
I'm so happy for him! it was long overdue and should have happened years ago but I was in tears when he won! Congrats again to Leo :)
2016-03-01 6:00 am
I think he only won an Oscar because of all the memes of how he never won one back in 2015
2016-03-01 5:57 am
he should've got one a long time ago in my opinion..
2016-03-01 5:50 am
I think he totally deserved it after 25+ years of acting! I love him so much tbh.
2016-03-01 5:49 am
well finally!!!!!!!
2016-03-01 5:45 am
2016-03-01 5:21 am
There were a lot of haters.
2016-03-01 5:11 am
2016-03-01 5:03 am
Honestly, I don't care.
2016-03-01 4:44 am
He deserves it
2016-03-01 4:36 am
Disappointed, the joke is over.
2016-03-01 4:28 am
But the memes....
2016-03-01 4:10 am
nice .. I love it
2016-03-01 4:05 am
Whatever don't really care
2016-03-01 3:54 am
he can act
2016-03-01 3:54 am
he should of won for wolf of wall street, titanic and django
but the renevant is good as well.
Good for him
2016-03-01 3:49 am
It's not that I don't care. It's just that I don't give a @*#(
2016-03-01 3:46 am
And this means what to me?
2016-03-01 3:35 am
Happy that was the only reason I watched the Oscar to see him win
2016-03-01 3:35 am
I watched, and my sisters and I SCREAMED. Which, we knew it was coming. Not that he necessarily did better than the others, but they were going to give it to him even if he sucked.
2016-03-01 3:21 am
Gz, I guess? A mere trophy can't compare to all his achievements.
2016-03-01 3:11 am
i thought so
2016-03-01 3:05 am
It's about time. Congrads Leo
2016-03-01 3:02 am
2016-03-01 2:57 am
he deserved it
2016-03-01 2:31 am
Finally he deserve it.
2016-03-01 2:22 am
Took long enough jfc
2016-03-01 2:17 am
2016-03-01 2:15 am
I am glad he did
2016-03-01 2:14 am
About time haha he's a great actor!!!
2016-03-01 2:02 am
my thoughts are very good on this
2016-03-01 1:59 am
2016-03-01 1:53 am
I think he TOTALLY deserved it!! He's a PHENOMENAL actor, person, and all his hard work finally paid off. He's a wonderful man
2016-03-01 1:46 am
He's arguably the best actor of our time. Dude should have like 6 already.
2016-03-01 1:31 am
2016-03-01 1:25 am
2016-03-01 1:16 am
I could care less
2016-03-01 1:06 am
I have to poo I'll give you my thoughts soon lol
參考: pooing I'll be back
2016-03-01 1:06 am
I love LEO!!!
2016-03-01 12:53 am
rip 2 the dicaprio meme 1994-2016 :"(
2016-03-01 12:41 am
2016-03-01 12:40 am
2016-03-01 12:18 am
I wish I was l Leonardo di Capuchino and have all the puszyes melting down for me.
2016-03-01 12:09 am
He's the best actor in the world atm he deserves it
2016-02-29 11:27 pm
Its about darn time!! I am actually shocked hes never won one until now
2016-02-29 10:38 pm
The guy is an antisemitic pig but he's class
2016-02-29 10:22 pm
i don't care
2016-02-29 10:15 pm
Good for him ????
2016-02-29 9:58 pm
Wrestlinggod took the words out of my mouth! Most of the comments that followed his answer are dopes too
2016-02-29 8:55 pm
2016-02-29 8:52 pm
Thank God :)
2016-02-29 8:42 pm
It just makes me want to watch "The Titanic."
2016-02-29 8:26 pm
About f**king time!
2016-02-29 8:23 pm
I haven't seen the film
2016-02-29 8:19 pm
Good for him. Otherwise I could not care less. Actually I was cheering for the Martian myself.
2016-02-29 7:57 pm
Deadly well deserved
2016-02-29 7:37 pm
Good on h
2016-02-29 7:32 pm
2016-02-29 7:28 pm
well I'm not into watching awards but I would think he would have won more than one, I'm surprised. he is really good.
2016-02-29 7:27 pm
It's about damn time! I think he deserve the Oscar after that performance he made in The Revenant!
2016-02-29 7:09 pm
He deserved it, finally. Did not see the movie but understand it was an outstanding performance.
2016-02-29 7:03 pm
Its kewl.
2016-02-29 6:50 pm
How is he alive. I saw him sank in freezing waters.
2016-02-29 6:40 pm
im so ******* happy i screamed and fell into my living room floor!
no more "what signs will win an oscar" jokes!!!
2016-02-29 6:38 pm
I deserve a burger from him!
2016-02-29 6:37 pm
It doesn't really matter so much. Everyone already knows he's great and loves him with or without. I think he deserves more than oscars..
2016-02-29 6:33 pm
Feels anticlimatic
2016-02-29 6:25 pm
its racism!!!! only because he is not black
2016-02-29 6:21 pm
We all went nuts lol
2016-02-29 6:13 pm
2016-02-29 6:08 pm
Calvin Candie and now Hugh Glass
2016-02-29 6:02 pm
2016-02-29 5:54 pm
who cares
2016-02-29 5:54 pm
my pants melted, and then i did the maccarena naked and slippery.
2016-02-29 5:29 pm
I thought he's one it before
2016-02-29 5:29 pm
hopefully he wont eat it as hes already obese looks like a hamster
2016-02-29 5:26 pm
yeah ok,
great for him-

But why not do the real story about the real frontiersman. sad that the story had to be lied/changed the way it was. would have better had the real story been told. guess as always the someone liked the lie better than the truth.
2016-02-29 5:20 pm
2016-02-29 5:19 pm
It was about time. Finlly, we can move on with our lives.
2016-02-29 5:17 pm
2016-02-29 5:02 pm
i don't give a flying f*ck
2016-02-29 5:01 pm
could care less
2016-02-29 4:38 pm
2016-02-29 4:37 pm
Good for him.
2016-02-29 4:34 pm
About effin time lol
2016-02-29 4:31 pm
Anyone who can bite into and chew up Bison liver deserves some kind of award and I guess this is it! Oh yeah, he had to swallow too...yuk, know that feeling...
2016-03-05 2:48 am
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-04 12:31 am
2016-03-04 12:09 am
Out of all his movies Revrent shouldn't have been the one he won it for, but for his career he definitely deserves more than one
2016-03-03 11:47 pm
He deserved it allot , but why did the Academy take so long to give him an Oscar?
2016-03-03 11:39 pm
About time
2016-03-03 10:38 pm
2016-03-03 10:28 pm
Finally. Really, like finally. However, Carol, a movie about a woman who falls in love with another woman got nothing.. There's hardly any lesbian movies out there, and as a lesbian, that's really hard. I'm really happy for Leo, but I really wish that gay love stories were more mainstream.
2016-03-03 8:08 pm
im happy for him...& also happy that ppl on the internet can stop making memes of him not getting an oscar
2016-03-03 8:01 pm
this means never loose hope
2016-03-03 4:13 pm
Memes were awesome, RIP. But honestly, he deserved this oscar, this was a whole new acting level for him and he did great!
2016-03-03 3:52 pm
He deserves it. But with or without the award, still a great actor.
2016-03-03 1:37 pm
He's totally hot!!
2016-03-03 11:43 am
2016-03-03 8:11 am
Im so happy!!!! He deserves it
2016-03-03 4:37 am
I'm glad he won but I'm with the other people What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Titanic should've had been the big ones <3
2016-03-03 3:08 am
參考: Good for him
2016-03-03 2:36 am
Good job
2016-03-03 2:30 am
He ******* deserved it. After seeming the torture he went through in the movie the revenant, I believe that he did a great job.
2016-03-03 2:17 am
Congratulations then
2016-03-03 1:47 am
It's about time , he's been acting for the past few years and no Oscar
2016-03-03 1:47 am
Good for him
2016-03-02 10:47 pm
surprsied the fecker never won one before.

what about that gay butt fest of a movie which was titanic ?

with Kate Winslett ?

she had big t!tt13s back then - oooh ! ^_^ lol

how comes the fecker didnt win the oscar for that movie ?

he shagged the fecking t1tties off of her in that movie bruv lol

that deserved an oscar.

his death, in the movie was the reason he didnt get the oscar.

too corny , not the way to 'die' in a movie.

freezing to death in the atlantic while keeping a woman afloat ? really ?

2016-03-02 9:48 pm
He's a great actor and deserved it. There are many great actors that have never won. Then there are hacks like Jennifer Hudson that are embarrassments. She can sing, but is a moron.
2016-03-02 5:34 pm
About time
2016-03-02 4:17 pm
I didn't really like the Revenant. I mean, there was some great things about it, but I thought it was over the top. Another movie with him in it?Can't wait! I always get excited to watch him act, whether he has an oscar or not, as well as other actors that may not have oscars. I really enjoy people like Matt Damon, Mark Walberg, etc. (not they do/don't have an oscar)
2016-03-02 3:44 pm
2016-03-02 2:24 pm
So happy for him. He should of been won after Titanic and What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
2016-03-02 1:01 pm
Congratulations Leonardo. I knew the Oscars would recognize you
2016-03-02 11:49 am
many many Congratulation
Leonardo Dicaprio
2016-03-02 10:37 am
In the distant past, Leo showed some potential, so an award might not have been out of the question then. He slacked off for years, but recently he s been getting his act together, and his acting has been adequate, though not great. I haven t seen the performance for which he s won, but it might be warranted: I can t recall any other performances that would have given him stiff competition.
2016-03-02 9:33 am
I feel very happy! Here are some of his films ! all to see dentist!
2016-03-02 6:48 am
A moment of silence for all the "Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have an Oscar" jokes. R.I.P
2016-03-02 6:05 am
happy so happy
2016-03-02 5:00 am
Congratulations to Leo but not to the officials who gets the privilege to nominate the stars. For real, there was no diversity this year as you can tell from Chris Rocks funny remarks and literally nobody other than white people (not discriminating) being nominated. Hopefully, next year they can add some color to this white canvas.
2016-03-02 4:39 am
Congrats for Leonardo
2016-03-02 3:46 am
2016-03-02 12:56 am
I think leo should have won an oscar for some of his other movies like the Titanic but it been along time coming for this one. Peace to LEO. K.C. Schiersch
2016-03-02 12:39 am
Happy for him. He's an amazing actor and deserves an oscar.
Ha, you shoulda seen him when he was getting his oscar engraved with his name on it.
Like a kid waiting for an ice cream from the truck.
2016-03-02 12:30 am
I think it's absolutely amazing, and I honestly wish I could give Leo a big hug and congratulate him myself. It's been so long, he's such a great actor who has been snubbed for so many years. He definitely deserves it, because not only is he fantastic at what he does, he seems to be such a humble human being. I mean, just go listen his acceptance speech, talking about the environment, rather than his actual achievement.

Congratulations, Leo! :) ♡
2016-03-01 11:21 pm
Finally he won????
2016-03-01 11:08 pm
I personally think he should of won the Oscar for a previous movie and not this one... but i guess his previous movies were created at the wrong time where many other actors rivaled his acting skill
2016-03-01 9:12 pm
Okaaaay, calm down. It isn't that serious. You're reaction is as if you are him. I don't think he was this damn excited as you are. Wow. Check your underwear, you might have sharted a bit. Anyway.......congratulations to him for winning what he should have won a while ago. He's a phenomenal actor and I enjoy all of the film's that he star in and co-star in.
2016-03-01 9:08 pm
He should have won an Oscar a LONG time ago, especially for Titanic; he gave a stellar performance.
I'm really glad he finally won one though. He's had it coming for a long time.
2016-03-01 7:51 pm
2016-03-01 6:56 pm
He's been a decent actor ever since he outgrew the "child star" overacting problem he had in his early career, but this is the first one that I thought he actually did a fantastic job of making a believable character.

I have to agree with the comment about the "Duke", John Wayne. He had a single character that he made every part fit. Deserving of an Oscar? Maybe, or maybe not, but deserving of something for being a consistent driving force in movies? Actually, I found some of his other movies better than "True Grit". The sequel "Rooster Cogburn" was much better and let him develop his character much more than "True Grit" ever did. Plus he had Katharine Hepburn as his co-star. An outstanding actress who has always been able to play her parts in ways that made her co-stars look even better than they actually were.
2016-03-01 6:55 pm
About time!! But congrats.. I've been waiting on this Oscar ever since Django!!
2016-03-01 5:34 pm
About time
2016-03-01 5:02 pm
Finally, he is an exceptional actor, he deserved it long time ago, from personal experience every single movie he is on, it's worth to watch it. Congrats Leo.
2016-03-01 4:42 pm
I'm happy about it. He deserves it. He should have gotten an Oscar a long time ago.
2016-03-01 4:41 pm
Leonardo is like the best actor ever its about time he won the oscars.
2016-03-01 3:03 pm
He deserves it for the last maximum years.
Leonardo Dicaprio Congratulation.
2016-03-01 3:03 pm
It's about time
2016-03-01 1:44 pm
I am happy for him. I liked The Revenant, although I'm sure some people are not into that type of movie. He's a very good actor and deserving of the award. Congratulations to him.
2016-03-01 1:14 pm
Your language is inappropriate. There is no need to use that language.
2016-03-01 1:05 pm
Good for him! I usually don't bother with the Oscars or Grammys or anything like that but they definitely waited too long to give him an Oscar. Only sad part is all the memes die out..
2016-03-01 12:52 pm
About time
2016-03-01 12:13 pm
He should've won 1 ages ago
2016-03-01 11:44 am
I am happy for Leonardo DiCaprio. He deserved it! Finally!
2016-03-01 11:39 am
That's cool
2016-03-01 9:31 am
He is a great actor in Hollywood. He previously nominated for Oscar but his luck was not with him. But this year he deserve the Oscar. personally I am very glad that he got this.
2016-03-01 9:25 am
I feel like he is a new man now, congrats Leo. I can sense that he will be more of a better actor this year.
2016-03-01 9:20 am
Waaaaaaau too late
2016-03-01 8:54 am
9gag memes be gone.
2016-03-01 8:51 am
He is a liberal/progressive/socialist,I have no use for him or his movies.
2016-03-01 8:28 am
I'm so glad he finally did it!
2016-03-01 8:23 am
I love him in Titanic <3
2016-03-01 8:12 am
I like him
2016-03-01 4:02 am
2016-03-01 3:56 am
About time
2016-03-01 3:48 am
I'm actually really happy they finally decided to give it to him. I'm so proud of him. He's an amazing actor, he does deserve it!
2016-03-01 3:43 am
I'm surprised he hasn't won oscars for most of his movies! He's an awesome actor.
2016-03-01 3:37 am
I think that The Revenant is not one of his best movies, but, however he deserved the Oscar from years ago. He acting is incredible and the internet would've flipped if he didn't win after so many years.
2016-03-01 1:38 am
...In other news, Donald Trump continues to be an idiot.
2016-02-29 10:29 pm
Who? What?
2016-02-29 10:18 pm
2016-02-29 9:31 pm
I'm not sure why it matters. I hope I win one, probably tomorrow.
2016-02-29 7:35 pm
I could care less who won what,Phuck them all.
2016-02-29 7:18 pm
Hes a gay little queer
2016-02-29 6:13 pm
I bet 5$ with a friend of mine that the academy will ignore Leo like every year...I've never been so happy about losing money.
2016-02-29 5:03 pm
Congrats, I think he must be thrilled, there have been many great male actors who never got one, one of my favourite is Richard Gere.
2016-02-29 4:45 pm
Big deal.
2016-02-29 3:45 pm
Is it gay if the other dude is a bear?
2016-02-29 3:35 pm
Don't tell Leo about a lack of black nominees. He's been beaten twice by black actors and by my humble opinion, he should have.
2016-02-29 3:16 pm
**** gets real.... good :D Oscar should be proud of this :D
2016-02-29 3:02 pm
Great. Isn't that the ***** from titanic ?
2016-03-03 9:36 pm
About time
2016-03-03 9:31 pm
2016-03-03 9:19 pm
about time.
2016-03-03 9:18 pm
Couldn't be happier :D He's my favorite actor and his win was long overdue :P
2016-03-03 9:17 pm
He deserved it! :)
2016-03-03 9:04 pm
I'm so happy for him!
2016-03-03 6:39 pm
2016-03-03 5:43 pm
2016-03-03 5:32 pm
2016-03-03 6:33 am
About ******* time ????????
2016-03-02 7:43 am
I was starting to think the dude must be black.
2016-03-02 12:25 am
I am totally disjointed by all of this but with the way Hollywood has mistreated African Americans nothing surprises me anymore :(
2016-03-01 9:10 pm
DiCaprio is a competent, serviceable actor but I wondered, years ago, why such a usually-perceptive director as Scorsese kept hiring him. He is not among the best at all, and the growing hype over the years about him not getting an Oscar has been ridiculous. At least, now, that boil has burst, so we can all get on with our lives.
2016-03-01 6:52 pm
He deserves it, he is a brilliant actor, and people like him not just as an actor but as a person. Maybe not winning one, and putting hard work into such great films as the great gatsby, django unchained and giant list of alot more, made him humble and a great performer. Rightly so he should be recognised and given a Oscar. Long time coming.
參考: Thumbs up, to those that go full retard. Always go full retard.
2016-03-01 8:27 am
I think out of ALL the movies he's ever made he deserved it for more for The Revenant because he is such a dedicated actor that he ate real rotten meat to get a real reaction.
2016-02-29 4:56 pm
who cares? I don't,but thanks for asking. lol!
2016-02-29 3:09 pm
Who ?
2016-03-02 1:37 am
If Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar it indicates that Oscars don't mean much any more -- if they ever did.
2016-02-29 4:10 pm
Fap fap fap fap fap.
2016-02-29 3:30 pm
Thats all his goal was!
2016-02-29 1:17 pm
It was more of a joke that he never wins I don't think people actually think he deserves one

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