How to fix stair?

2016-02-29 12:36 am
I have a stair that is three pieces and the center piece bends when I step on it and it feels like a safety hazard any way I can fix it without replacing it

回答 (6)

2016-02-29 2:49 pm
must be replaced with a solid board ==== if you can get under the stairs then it can be reinforced from the bottom side .........the three pieces was a poor original install and should be fixed as it is a hazard that may go through and then you wind up with a ""broken leg"" == sounds cheaper to replace than a hospital bill and cruthes for six months and hiring a chauffer .... etc..... fix-it ... OK.....
2016-02-29 11:24 am
look away
2016-02-29 6:45 am
Install a 2 x 4 across under it.
2016-02-29 12:47 am
Reinforce it
2016-02-29 1:02 am
Your description is not sufficient to determine IF anything can be done, or even needs to be done. Without at least a photo, the only useful answer is to have someone LOOK at the step.
2016-02-29 12:37 am
Call the handyman!!

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