Which is better for you? Diet Coke? Or Sweet Tea for weight loss/fat loss?

2016-02-29 12:34 am

回答 (5)

2016-02-29 11:10 am
This is my second review since around December. I've now lost 53 pounds! I'm feeling great! Still want to lose 30 more. Weight loss green store tea has lowered my appetite and raised my energy level. Plus, after losing the 53 pounds, I have way more energy and confidence. I don't mind clothes shopping anymore. Yeah!
2016-02-29 12:43 am
Neither. Both are extremely sugary. Try a natural freen tea or water.
2016-02-29 12:37 am
Diet Coke ... Sweet tea probably has more sugar and calories.
2016-03-01 4:45 am
Diet coke is worse than normal coke. Sweet tea is full of sugar. If you want something tasty and healthy, freeze some bananas and then blend them with a little bit of water, yoghurt or milk and drink as a smoothie. It has vitamins, nutrition and natural sugar, rather than chemicals or processed rubbish.
2016-02-29 12:41 am
Diet coke

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