Mysterious weight gain, I can't exercise anymore, help?

2016-02-28 11:50 pm
I am 6ft 3 male, used to weigh 160Lbs about 3 years ago. The weight came on suddenly after a bad infection where I needed to take antibiotics. I've changed nothing about my eating habits but I have increased exercise in order to try to battle this fat I've been gaining. Running, pushups, squats, more running. About 20-30 minutes a day. The fat just keeps layering on, I eat fruits, vegetables, lean meat, grains and beans, fish and drink lots of water.

here's the thing though, I've been having trouble exercising lately because it feels so pointless, not only has the motivation left but it's physically become taxing and a real chore. the doctors say my metabolism looks good, they can't understand it.

I've tried eating 500 calories a day of purely vegetables, this made me lose a couple pounds over a week but this is a bit extreme, and I worry it is unhealthy.

I feel suicidal, this fat just keeps accumulating no matter what I do aside from starving myself, weighing 200lbs now and only getting heavier.


回答 (2)

2016-02-29 2:03 am
u become older and older
2016-02-29 12:38 am
Yes, you CAN exercise more, if you are only doing 20-30 minutes a day !

Aim to do 20-30 minutes of Yoga or Pilates in the morning, the same last thing at night, and about an hour (or two sessions of half-an-hour each) of something more vigorous during the day. Try to do activities (such as Swimming or Martial Arts drills) rather than 'exercises', except when testing your strength or power.

You may still be infected with the illness. Some bacteria can convert sugars into fats; most human cells can't do this. But this is a reversible process, so if your demand for fat as a muscle fuel increases, you can stimulate the invasive organism to remove the bodyfat you have gained.

Measure your STRENGTH in as many different moves as possible. Try to DOUBLE OR TRIPLE this measurement. Training for strength burns sugar, BUT stronger muscles use more fat around the clock (as their 'off-duty' fuel) so every pound of extra load you can lift will raise your body's need for fat as a fuel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:35:53
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