How do i handle my parents separation??

2016-02-28 7:16 pm
I feel like that its my fault that my parents are splitting up, I had a chance to stop a situation that prevented my mom to make a decision to leave my dad but i was to late. My parents had been married for 27 years old, as a child all i can remember is my mom and dad argue a lot and verbal abuse one another. A chaotic incident had happen 3 weeks ago, dad was yelling at mom to shut the water off or turn it down when not in use because he didn't want her to waste it, they have 2 pink slips from water company and behind in payments, mom told dad I am not going to listen to you, you don't control me, then 1 thing led to another which had made mom antagonize him which prevented him to sprain her leg when she had placed it in his personal space and a mess blew out from their. Mom took time away from dad and stayed at her moms place until they cooled off. Mom came back to the house few days ago to talk to dad and made a decision its best to go their own way. i talked to mom yesterday to try to help and convince her to work it with dad but she had enough and is in deeply pain.
She says that he don't love her anymore,he treats everyone else he don't know better than her hes not nice and makes it hard to have a simple conversation. She cant even feel free to brush her teeth or run the water without him yelling at her. She told me one time she had soap in her hair while taking a shower and dad got so pissed that he went and turn the water off from the outside shes done had enough :(

回答 (5)

2016-02-28 10:40 pm
i dont blame your mom, if your dad was doing all that to her i would leave him too, she shouldnt have to put up with that and you need to realize she might be better off not getting treated like that
2016-02-28 9:18 pm
Be happy they separated. Now you get two of everything and tell whoever gives you the least means they love you less haha compare there gifts and try getting the most out of it.
2016-02-28 7:28 pm
There is no way you could have caused your parents to split up even if you wanted to. This is an issue between them. Please remember that they will always love you.

You might want to join either Divorce Care or Divorce Care for Kids (DC4K) if you live in the U. S. or Canada. There are hundreds of meetings throughout the U. S. and Canada. You can find a meeting close to your house by going to or

DC4K is for people 12 and under. Divorce Care is for people 13 and older. Both meet in the same building at the same time in different rooms. You'll meet people who have been through the horror that you're going through. They will provide emotional support and help you deal with this horrendous situation.
2016-02-28 7:21 pm
From what you say, this has been going on a long time. Even if you had prevented the one situation somehow, it probably would have just delayed the inevitable. This is between your mom and your dad, and they are going to do whatever they feel is best for their own sanity and health. Do not let either of them try to drag you to their side in the situation, let them know you love and support them, but will leave it to them to resolve. This is in no way your fault or your responsibility.
2016-02-28 7:20 pm
it must be hard for you..but stay strong.....they will always be there for you

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