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First is the spectral class:
OBAFGKM ranging from hottest to coolest and from bluest to reddest.
Between each of those classifications are numbers 0-9
So there are ten gradients between a B and an O type star, thus a B0 is very similar in temperature and colour to an O9. So you can think of the 0-9 simply as ten subdivisions of the OBAFGKM system.
This is known as the Harvard spectral classification and as you rightly pointed out our Sun is a type G2.
When it comes to luminosity though there is another classification called the Yerkes spectral classification.
There are numerous suffixes, ranging from largest to smallest.
0 hypergiants
Ia luminous supergiants
Iab intermediate luminous supergiants
Ib less luminous supergiants
II bright giants.
III normal giants.
IV subgiants.
V main-sequence stars or dwarf stars.
And then these prefixes for stars smaller than normal main sequence dwarf stars.
sd subdwarfs.
D white dwarfs.
Hope this helps but for full information check out the wiki page.