Having trouble shifting into certain gears (manual) any tips?

2016-02-28 4:31 pm
I started driving a manual a month or two ago, and I can drive it but for some reason lately shifting to 3rd, 5th and reverse have been a pain. Especially reverse. I'm doing everything the way I learned and it worked well before but lately it hasn't been doing so well. The clutch is kind of worn and the service engine light is on (I don't drive it too often, it doesn't run bad or anything) it's an 02 mustang if that helps.

回答 (2)

2016-02-28 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It could be a high mileage transmission. Synchro's in the transmission are designed to match the clutch to the gear you're shooting for. If the synchro's are worn then the clutch won't match up and grabbing those gears may be difficult.

You said shifting into reverse is difficult too. Kind of sounds like a clutch that is not completely releasing. Could be a bad slave cylinder on the clutch, or could be other things. Whatever the problem is - the solution would be to have the transmission serviced professionally. That way all issues can be resolved. And don't be surprised if you are asked to approve a new clutch disk, pressure plate and flywheel. They wear too.

And on an 02 Mustang? Chances are whoever owned it before you probably thrashed on it. Servicing may well be in order.

Hope this helps.

2016-02-28 4:40 pm
Double clutch. Push the clutch in, shift to neutral. Let the clutch out. Push the clutch back in, then switch to your next gear. This can extend the life of a clutch, up until it starts slipping. And if the problem is with synchronizers it can help with that too.

Worth trying.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:10:41
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