What dose it mean if Satan keeps saying redrum?

2016-02-28 12:02 pm

回答 (7)

2016-02-28 12:39 pm
¿ɹǝpɹnɯ sᴉ spɹɐʍʞɔɐq pǝllǝds ɯnɹpǝɹ ʇɐɥʇ ǝɔᴉʇou noʎ pᴉp - ɯnɹpǝɹ ƃuᴉʎɐs sdǝǝʞ uɐʇɐS ɟᴉ uɐǝɯ ʇᴉ ǝsop ʇɐɥM
2016-02-28 12:36 pm
He's less likely to say it, and more likely to drink it.

Though our liquor cabinet is pretty damn big. Not sure when he'll get around to it... 😏
2016-02-28 12:06 pm
I don't know, but here's a fancy song + video about it... Sort of. :-P

2016-02-28 2:57 pm
Satan loves Stephen King books?
2016-02-28 2:52 pm
That he's into horse racing?


(Of course, redrum is also murder spelt backwards)
2016-02-28 1:14 pm
It means that he is as bad a speller as you are. What "DOSE" it mean....?
2016-02-28 12:26 pm
Redrum is murder,if you read it backwards.

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