Where can I buy an extended magazine for my revolver?

2016-02-28 4:09 am
My revolver only has 6 shots and I need more in case of an intruder. I read that done guns have more than 30 rounds and I cannot find a extended clip for my revolver

回答 (16)

2016-02-28 5:29 am
Here's a belt fed conversion.
2016-02-28 4:35 am
You can make one with some rubber bands and a pie tin. There's a good guide on youtube.
2016-02-28 4:12 am
your revolver doesn't use a magazine. You need gun lessons.
2016-02-28 7:54 pm
Even anti-gunners; the people that want the US government to round up and send all gun owners or anyone who votes republican really to be rounded up and systematically exterminated know better.

Nice try stupid.
2016-02-28 6:35 am
Get a 1895 Nagant revolver. They can hold seven rounds not to mention they can be suppressed.
2016-02-29 2:14 am
Best you can do is learn how to use speed loaders. The world record for firing 6 shots, reloading and firing 6 more is 2.99 seconds. That is 12 shots in 3 seconds.
2016-02-28 9:30 pm
You should start out simply... "fries with your burger, sir?"
2016-02-28 6:15 pm
Nice try, troll, but you fail.
2016-02-28 4:21 am
You need to buy a bigger gun... =D
2016-02-28 12:23 pm
You need a magazine with extra pages ok cause somewhere down the line you musta dozed off. revolver have cylinders that all else is built around. You think you just pop a bigger one in with more holes and start shooting? Not gonna happen.
2016-03-05 7:00 am
buy a dardick........but good luck on finding ammo these days.....
2016-03-02 3:56 am
You mean something like this?
Try the acme company located in Wile E Coyote canyon.
Be aware that it may require some slight hand fitting to your current revolver so make sure you have a rat tail file a plasma cutter & a 60 amp elox edm machine close to hand before you order the acme conversion kit.
參考: slight hand fitting required covers a lot of ground.
2016-02-29 7:22 pm
I dont know but I hope you find one soon so that you can shoot yourself with it and not contaminate the gene pool.
2016-02-28 7:32 pm
Handguns annual or other shooting magazine? One shot is all you need, start with Jim Beam.
2016-02-28 4:11 pm
French upgrade will do it for you.
2016-02-28 5:12 am
6 is plenty for defence and you wont get an extended clip for a revolver anywhere

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