Where can you buy a 5 pound bag of gummy worms?

2016-02-27 1:18 am
Asking for a friend.

In stores in the Chicago area

回答 (14)

2016-02-28 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-11-05 9:03 am
5 Pound Bag Of Gummy Worms
2016-02-29 4:45 am
No, but it sounds like something George would do to say he's better a really good looking guy. From George Lopez
2016-02-27 4:45 pm
Amazon has everything
2016-02-27 12:54 pm
Kiernan, at a store that specializes and sells candy. We have them up here, and I can not avoid going in and going crazy.
2016-02-27 3:28 am
Try a bulk food store.
2016-02-27 2:56 am
I know that you can buy an entire five pound gummy bear on amazon.com, but I'm not sure about a five pound bag.
2016-02-27 2:24 am
Go to the troly website. You can get buckets of them.
2016-02-27 1:53 am
Are your REALLY asking for a friend? But seriously, amazon is a great place for stuff like that.
2016-02-27 1:24 am
2016-02-27 1:22 am
At IKEA. You can buy it in bulk, which means you have to measure it out by weight. I know there are not many Ikea's around, so another thought would be to check Walmart online or go to EBay.
2016-02-27 1:20 am
Walmart, maybe CVS?
2016-02-27 1:20 am

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