How interesting is it that the homeless guy in front of me at the grocery store was buying apple juice while I was buying water & vitamins?

2016-02-27 1:16 am
I never drink fruit juice. I felt like it was the contrast between old thinking and new thinking. The closest thing to fruit juice I drink are my watermelon flavored Rockstars.

Homeless guy probably thought I was crazy for buying water, thinking "I could get free water from the faucet" LOL

回答 (3)

2016-02-27 1:17 am
not interesting at all
2016-02-27 1:28 am
The homeless man was getting his nourishment too. Lots to be said for apple juice. It has vitamins and is astringent. He might have got more from V-8 juice or orange juice. My doctor told me to drink orange juice for the potassium as well as the vitamin C.
2016-02-27 1:35 am
does nothing for me

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