Can I get weed out of my system in 16 days?
Can I get pot out of my system in 16 days if I detox drink water cranberry juice green tea and take niacin non stop I weigh 200 pounds 6 feet tall decent shape
回答 (3)
It's very unlikely but possible. While peeing out all that juice, also try to sweat a lot so you can pee out some fat as well. There's THC in there. Take a supplement called Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which can be found in some diet pills and commonly available at drug stores. This will help shed belly fat as you work out, which is likely where your THC fat cells are located.
It's not impossible, but THC is stored in fat cells which at 200 you probably have a lot.
Do what you plan on doing and also work out and sweat a lot, that will also help so much in getting rid of the THC.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:07:46
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