How does a genius act around others? (Friends,family) etc.?

2016-02-26 11:39 pm
Like does a genius ALWAYS act socially dumb,like they don't understand human feelings? Like Sheldon from Big Bang? Or Sherlock? Or is that a myth? Do geniuses actually act just like normal people (aside from their hobbies and activities involving writing novels,making beautiful music,solving math equations etc. and their social awkwardness around people other than their family) ? Like you know hanging out with family at restaurants? Joking bad jokes? The only thing that registers them as a genius is the fact in what they do in their time honing their gifts,right? Humming to themselves,occasionally making funny noises to try to make someone laugh,stuff like that.

回答 (3)

2016-02-27 12:39 pm
They're just people too. Some guys you talk to have some other tremendous asset you may never know about - like the ability to speak 5 languages or something - abillity to juggle - they're still just people.
2016-02-26 11:51 pm
You are confused. Sheldon on Big Bang is a high functioning Autistic. Lots of people are geniuses but not autistic. They are fun and social.
2016-02-26 11:42 pm
Wait what...I mean, I'm not sure if I know any 'geniuses' per say, but I do know we can all be different things - e.g, good at singing, an artist, a writer, a genius,etc- and have different personalities. And, people who might not be able to emphasis with feelings or understand them - Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory - might not all be geniuses.

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