I am 19 years old, pregnant, and homeless i live in ohio is there any housing i can apply for till i get on my feet?

2016-02-26 5:08 pm

回答 (10)

2016-02-26 5:47 pm
Where's the proud daddy to be? You two made this baby It seems
normal the two of you support yourselves. At least that's the way it use to
2016-02-26 5:16 pm
Anyone can apply. If approved, understand that the wait list is likely over 5 years long. Most housing programs will also require you to work at least 32 hours a week.
2016-02-26 5:15 pm
You can contact state, city, and county aid agencies. You should be able to goggle this.

The family that's adopting the baby should be willing to help you with housing and expenses as well.
2016-02-26 5:22 pm
Try to find a homeless shelter. If you are putting your baby up for adoption the adoptive parents can help pay your expenses while pregnant.
2016-02-28 8:26 pm
Call the local welfare office and see if they can give you a referral to a local women's shelter.
2016-02-27 8:12 pm
First you have to go and apply at the "family and children services" for every benefit they have including housing food stamps and medical, then apply where they instruct you to go. Every county is different but getting you into the system (computer) is the first step at children's and family services.
2016-02-27 10:46 am
You Contact to state agencies.
2016-02-26 9:09 pm
Low income housing is for people with "low income". If you have NO income, you won 't qualify. Anyway, the waiting list for low income housing is years away. In some states, as much as 10 or 12 years. Pregnant - I doubt you are going to be able to find a job and continue to work. Where are you living now? Stay there, continue to pay your rent and file for child support after the child is born. If you cannot do any of that, you are going to have to beg your parents for help. Either that or abort the fetus and give yourself a second chance at getting an education and starting over.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-02-26 5:20 pm
You may be able to get into a shelter. How do you operate a computer while homeless?
2016-02-26 5:08 pm
I can't think of one right now

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