Neighbors smoking weed smells in my apartment?

2016-02-26 2:20 pm
So I live in a apartment and these people just moved in. They smoke so much my apartment directly above theirs smells awful! There's not much I can do right? I live in a apartment complex

回答 (8)

2016-02-26 3:33 pm
In some states smoking weed is now legal. Smoking weed has dropped so low on the criminal list, that it is not on a high priority for the police to respond to unless there is violence happening at the same time.

Most landlords would not want to become involved as they are not police and might be threatened. Normally as long as the tenant pay their rent on time, cause little of no problems within the rental complex, your landlord would not be concerned with the smoking of weed within the rental complex.

About the only means of you being able to live in a drug free environment and not be bothered with those that smoke weed is to purchase yourself a house or rent a house. If you have those that smoke weed as next door neighbors they are far enough away not to bother and upset you.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck to you.

2016-02-27 10:56 am
Complain to apartment owner and politely talking to neighbors .
2016-02-26 9:22 pm
Call the police and report them AND report it to your landlord. Tell him it makes you ill and barf and you need to be able to go to work every day if you are going to be able to continue to pay the rent every day. If he says going to work will get you out of the house, tell him what about the evenings and when you are trying to sleep? It doesn 't happen when they are at work and when they are at work, you are at work. Document each day and time, report it each time to both the police and the landlord and if it continues past one week and if the landlord is not going to start eviction proceedings against them, then call your local Health Dept. and ask them what you can do. Tell them it makes you ill and barf and hopefully, they will order him to get rid of them. If you still need help, you might have to hire a lawyer to demand action or threaten to sue him for your moving costs.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-02-26 3:50 pm
You complain to the apartment landlord/management and phone the police and report them
2016-02-26 2:23 pm
Right, not much you can do. It's just part of the hassle of living in apartments or other close proximity to people.

I suppose you could try to call the cops on them but, I'm not sure sure that's necessary - assuming it's even illegal where you live.
參考: Hopefully they don't start cooking fish, too.
2016-02-26 3:15 pm
I have the same problem. I called my proprietor first but I think he use pot also so I call the police since it is illegal where I live, but they never do anything if they even show up. I'm trying to design a way to make their apartment smell like rotten fish without it comes to my apartment. Good luck.
2016-02-26 3:02 pm
So call the police, since weed is illegal.
2016-02-26 2:36 pm
Complain to your local council, ask them to stop, try getting a professional cleaner or move

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