Can the average boxer with 6+ months training beat the average karate black belt?

2016-02-25 9:42 pm
Personally I think they could, what does everybody else think?

回答 (9)

2016-02-25 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
how many hours a day does each one train?
Most boxes train in a day more hours then what most people in karate train in a week.
2016-02-25 9:58 pm
Anything is possible.
2016-02-26 12:11 pm
i reckon so, people can say well if you train karate full contact with proper sparring and ****, well whatever whens the last time you saw a karate dojo that didnt have everyone just parroting techniques with compliant partners and breaking flimsy boards.
2016-02-26 1:46 am
i've seen black belts that a person with no training can whip.
but in most cases 6 months is nothing,i don't think that a good trainer will have you on the heavy bag yet,you will still be doing footwork drills
2016-02-25 9:43 pm
i think your a C. O/C/K
2017-02-17 7:35 pm
參考: #1 Dog Training Course
2016-03-01 2:23 pm
There's no such thing as an average Karate Black Belt because of the number of different styles. Some focus on Kata, some focus on sport and some focus on self-defence.

There's also no such thing as an average boxer with 6+ months of training either. Why, because everyone is built differently.

Your question is too open to interpretation. However, if I was going to pick an easy fight, I'd take the boxer, having been trained in Ju-Jitsu and numerous other arts including Boxing for over 23 years. Why pick the boxer to fight? Too predictable and unlike the Boxer, I don't have rules at the back of my mind.
2016-02-26 10:10 am
I think it depends on how they practice Karate. In the Olympics, Karate is basically scored on a hit per hit basis. You make one good hit, the action is stopped and you are awarded a point. This doesn't simulate real fights very well. But then there is also full contact karate, which can be considered something like Kickboxing. This would be a boxer's match in a full-contact match.
2016-02-26 2:54 pm

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