Is true happiness impossible in this world?

2016-02-25 4:50 pm
We aren't even meant to ve happy, our only true goal is survival as long as possible. At least that's our natural goal

回答 (32)

2016-02-27 7:34 am
No, true happiness is not impossible in this world. Happiness is a choice, not a feeling. The choice to be happy is re-newed each day... or not. There's a vast difference between excitement, ego, and real happiness. Everything in life is all about how we respond to it.
2016-02-26 2:44 am
Look, "true" is the skeptic's word. When someone say "what is the TRUE ___" what they are telling you is they have stopped listening. True means I have already rejected the given answer, which is that happiness is an emotion and emotions come and go. You are not supposed to control emotions any more than you are supposed to steer the tides. So you want to take a soda bottle and drink out of the side and the bottom and the middle and if you can't -- well the bottle must be broken.

If you weren't meant to itch your body would form that reaction and if you weren't meant to be happy your mouth wouldn't know how to smile. But whining beats facing your "true" ignorance -- the arrogance of the skeptic who only knows how to tear down.
2016-02-26 3:07 am
" Is true happiness impossible in this world?"

No. I've met truly happy people. Is it impossible for you? Based on your posts on YA, possibly, but hopefully I'm wrong.

"We aren't even meant to ve happy..."

Really? On what, besides personal opinion and personal experience, do you found this claim? On what do you base the assertion that we're "meant" for anything in particular? This implies that there's a consciousness and intent behind our existence, which implies there is a god, which implies that if god exists this entity doesn't desire our happiness, which sounds to me like an excuse for why you cannot be happy. The blame rests on you, not on some invisible entity that you cannot prove exists or doesn't exist.

"Our only true goal is survival as long as possible. At least that's our natural goal "

Yes, survival is apparently intrinsic to all life, but is that really a goal? No, it is not a willful decision. Goals are willful. Not surviving (suicide) is willful. Survival is instinct.
2016-02-25 7:20 pm
no suffering is a part of human nature. The best anyone can hope for is temporary happiness like a high after sex other than little pleasures like that should be content with having the essentials necessary to survive. Anyone with have a half brain battles with depression because the majority of they people the meet in their life are dumber than they are.
2016-02-25 11:54 pm
Don’t be a victim of the Grand Illusion. No one is happy all of the time, and no one has it any easier than anyone else. Life is about perception. If you are not able to see and enjoy the good in your life, all the fame and money in the world could not make you happy for long. Worrying about what others have or do is silly. The meaning and happiness in your life must come from you.

What we are all looking for is peace of mind. Peace of mind is simply the absence of mental stress or anxiety.

Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes their way. Love and joy is an emotional experience, not an activity necessarily.

I have been working on my personal mental attitude for many years and have gotten a good hold on it. I choose to have a positive mental attitude and I almost always feel happy.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that we can alter our life simply by altering our attitude of mind. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

By maintaining a positive, grateful, and constructive attitude toward life, we can ensure that we keep an open mind and always do our best to steer our lives in the direction we would choose for ourselves.

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Our attitudes control our emotions. Our emotions control our lives. We control our attitudes.

Good luck, love, and peace to you, forever.
2016-02-28 1:51 pm
An undecidable question since "true happiness" is an undefined (and undefinable) concept. Can happiness of a reasonable degree and frequency be found in the life of a human? Yes, it can and largely by looking for it (rather than adopting a point of view that precludes it) and creating it for yourself.

Best of luck to you.
2016-02-28 12:49 am
No, true happiness is not impossible in this world. Happiness is a choice, not a feeling. The choice to be happy is re-newed each day... or not. There's a vast difference between excitement, ego, and real happiness. Everything in life is all about how we respond to it.
2016-02-26 11:02 pm
Nothing is impossible. I'm pretty sure that there are people in the world who were truly happy with their lives. People who love their family, jobs... I don't see how this wouldn't be possible or couldn't occur. Is true happiness possible as you may define it? You're talking about something that is both a reality and fictional. If you expect a perfect world, I'd say the odds are against you. Even a perfect life the odds are against you. There are millionaires, celebrities with severe depression.

The question is how do you define "true" "happiness" ? What is true? What is happiness, what is "impossible". You're acknowledging the possibility of something you never defined. Your post is very cynical to begin with. Happiness occurs within a person, love perseveres... happiness does too if the person believes in it, defines it as their happiness. You can also aim higher for higher goals, ambitions or never settle down with a wife or anything...

We suffer ultimately because of body and there for mind is connected to the physical, the physical world here. It's not so much how you find true happiness if such a thing even exists... as it is a question of how you coupe, manage with the daily struggles of being human.

We like the flower of nature has no control over what is predetermined for us, even random, it's all about what's possible to occur that shall. There are harsh seasons for nature as much as we go through harsh struggles. Is pure happiness obtainable, a perfect marriage, perfect everything... maybe for very very few but there's a higher probability of the possibility for something unexpected to occur on occasion.

Happiness is a construct of your brain chemistry and mind, people can be deadly depressed because of their brain chemistry... and their mind.

You have a brain, a brain is a biological computational device running on electrochemical process.
Your consciousness is an emergent property of said process.Are people who have chemical depression going to easily find happiness?

As for possibilities they are all equally determined within one another, nothing created nor destroyed. A matrix that is both growing and static. Causality, probability. For every action, there's an infinite number of reactions and in each one of them!

The primordial atom burst, sending out its radiation, setting everything in motion. One particle collides with another, gases expand, planets contract, and before you know it we've got rockets to the moon and computer and chicken soup. In fact, you can't help but have rockets to the moon and computers and chicken soup, because it was all determined twenty billion years ago!

It's all random, chaotic, yet with order by equal predetermination of all possibilities, probabilities of the infinite, there for eternal and static yet with change and variations within of itself indefinitely , predetermined all equally as one source, one energy.
2016-02-26 9:34 am
Is true happiness impossible in this world?

~~~ Not at all!

'Happiness' is an unconditional; Virtue of unconditional Love!

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by It's unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
2016-02-26 12:28 am
no suffering is a part of human nature. The best anyone can hope for is temporary happiness like a high after sex other than little pleasures like that should be content with having the essentials necessary to survive. Anyone with have a half brain battles with depression because the majority of they people the meet in their life are dumber than they are.

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