Well, first of all, you're not a loser. It's just going to take some patience, determination, and humility to rebuild and achieve your dreams and I believe you can do it. (I'm a 46 year old going back to finish college...and I've met someone who had a friend become a nurse at age 59. People go to med school at 50. Write best sellers at 57. Life is far from over. Step 1. Swallow your pride and do one of those jobs you don't want to do. Whether it's fast food or janitorial...do it and do it well. (I now of what I speak...I've worked those jobs before!) Save, save, save, save. If, by chance, you have a drug, alcohol or gambling problem, seek help...but not in a group where other crabs might pull you back in the bucket...meet with a life coach who specializes in addiction recovery and will offer you one on one...also...make your life so busy that you don't have time for that. You need a place to stay. If you have ONE loving family member that can make the difference but you need to fly right. Just beg for a bed. Stick with your plan and cause no harm to anyone. Set your plans out with this family member...and ask for time to save enough money to pay of your student loan. Ask that if it works out (you mow their lawn or wash windows when you're not working to earn money)...perhaps you can get an extension and save money so that you can FINISH college. Now, if you have ever been in prison and have had a probation or parole officer...speak with them. Ask for advice if they were decent. I don't want to assume or anything, I'm just trying to cover all bases. To make an honest dollar you gotta do alot of work. It will take time to pay off those loans. It will take time to pay of your other debts. As you do, your credit will clean up. So say it takes seven years of hard work? You'll be 36...in that time you can certainly, with no mouths to feed, find work, work your butt off, save, save, save, save, save...(and maybe best to find a room or studio apartment to rent...on the low end of the budget) and save and save and save and take care of business! Also...have you thought of praying? Sometimes great miracles come through simple things. Christ can change your life. Explore that option. You may still be just young enough for the military, not sure...but you can look into that. Maybe just the reserves or national guard would take you but who knows. Explore options without expectations...except to expect to get the crappiest job and imagine yourself doing it well and cheerfully as you navigate life. Cons
https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/english/pdf/callings/welfare/72726_DebtEliminationCalendar_pdf.pdfider a debt elimination calendar.