How do I rebuild my life. I'm a 29 year old hardcore loser.?

2016-02-24 10:47 pm
I'm a 29 year old veteran who has absolutely nothing to his name. My credit is so bad I will NEVER own a house, a car or rent a apartment and I hear that they do credit checks for jobs now......screwed there. I can't go back to college cause I owe my old college like 4 grand.......screwed there. My family hates me because I'm not rich, own 3 cars, live in a mansion and married with kids.......screwed there. I'm just the total f--- up. All I do is travel around doing odd jobs so I'll have enough money to eat and sleep where ever I can find a bed. Apparently lots of people like being around me and hanging out but that doesn't equal a life....all I want is to work, have a car, a place to live and be happy. Almost everyday I wonder where imma sleep next, am I going be able to eat and how can I make a honest dollar. So my question is how can I rebuild my life and become a normal functioning member of society?

回答 (29)

2016-02-25 12:06 am
OK, when you think that things will always be the same way, that's depression. So you need to go to the VA as a vet and get treated. See a doctor first and get medication and then a referral.

Call any local veterans group and ask for help. There are a ton of nonprofits to help veterans. Call United Way and ask what agencies locally can help you.

You can go to the local community college. It's cheap and they won't check with your old college to see if you owe money.

Not all jobs do credit checks, just big companies where you handle money.

All your bad debts get taken off your credit report within 7-10 years, so it's not that you'll "never" have a home. In fact, a lot of places will give you a mortgage two years after a bankruptcy, because they figure you're safe because you can't declare a bankruptcy anytime soon.

If people like you, you'll eventually get a girlfriend.

You can fix all this, really. Just start making some calls.
2016-02-24 11:54 pm
Jobs are hard to find right now. When you start making money you can work on your credit. Sometimes people are looking for room mates, then you can work on your credit. Maybe check into working landscaping or working at a night club/strip club. Maybe be a bouncer or bar back. Depending on the club you could have some nice tips. Maybe work on a cruise ship. It will get you away for a little bit, room and food included with tips. The contracts seem to be at least 6 months. Can you be a manager at a food/retail store? Lowes, Home Depot, and Aldi's pay pretty good. The pizza joints seem to hire anyone for management. The better chains require a lot of experience and some college, so probably stay away, doesn't hurt to check into.
2016-02-24 10:50 pm
Let me tell you something you already know life is not full of rainbows and unicorns it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward Rocky Balboa said that in the movie Rocky Balboa in essence in the words of me life is a boxing ring you are going to get knocked down but you are the one that decides if you are going to get up and keep fighting and finish that 15 rounds to the heavyweight championship of the world so are you going to get up at fight this guy life hard like you have for you're 29 years I'm sure it's beautiful but fight it fight life
2016-02-27 11:15 am
You ARE and ALWAYS have been a fantastic member of society! Your very brave, not many men or women do what you do. Should always have pride in yourself because you are an amazing man. You are a great person inside and out. Can you maybe to a shelter to get food and to get some sleep? If you give me your location, i will be more then happy to look on the internet for places that you can eat and sleep for free, as i know there are places like this! I know what it feels like to be an outcast in society, people judge me everyday for being a transgender woman. I am pretty sure if you can find a local church, and ask them for help and tell them what your situation is, i am sure they will be more then happy to help you! God is always around you and he loves you. Godbless you sir!
2016-02-25 10:43 pm
The first thing you should do is call your local VFW. There are a lot of programs in place to help veterans adjust to civilian life, including help finding a job, counseling, financial assistance, cheap housing, etc. Most jobs don't do credit checks. Only jobs with big cooperation that require you to handle a lot of money. So you're not screwed there. Step one after calling the VFW would be finding a job. The VFW might help with this, they might not. Take a job anywhere you can find one, even if it's McDonalds. At this point you just need something (anything) to help get you back on your feet. Work and save money. Just pour all your money into your savings account. Apply for EBT benefits. When you have the money, rent a cheap apartment. You may have to look around but not all places do credit checks. If you can't find a place, find someone who needs a roommate. Open a bank account if you don't have one and ask the bank if you can get a secured credit card. You pay $300, and your limit is $300. Use it to buy cheap things and pay it off in full every month. You'll slowly build credit. Keep working, while looking for a better job. Take some classes at a cheap community college. They won't check to see that you owe money elsewhere. And hard, study hard..until you get where you want to be. Nothing worth achieving happens overnight.
2016-02-24 10:58 pm
Well you do have your name aka your word. BTW......thank YOU for your service.

That's all you have, but it's enough. When you get an odd job, no matter how meaningless, always do more than expected. People will notice. Pretty soon WORD will spread that you are a good hard worker, and you won't have to find will find you.

Go to the VA for counseling \assistance.
What did u do in the army? I am sure there was training in your specialty. .pursue that.

Good Luck!!
2016-02-28 3:36 am
I've been in your shoes and kind of still that way. I know how hard it is trust me I know everything your going through. Ive slept in a car many times, hotels, motels and I'm a female that no one would even think I was going through hell and homeless. It takes a lot of courage to do what ur doing and I feel like ur lost and just wishing to have a break in life. All I know is i think you should try to find time one day and go find a mental health clinic they'll give you free antidepressants and whatever they think you'll need it may help a lot. It helps me a lot but I mean as far as ur problem I would just try to work as much as you can To get as much money as you can and if you have things to sale for cash do that. Try to find a room to rent for cheap and apply for food stamps you can get them even if ur homeless about $200 a month for food and good luck I hope everything gets better for you cause it's hard out here, stay strong nothing is permanent.
2016-02-24 11:43 pm
Well, first of all, you're not a loser. It's just going to take some patience, determination, and humility to rebuild and achieve your dreams and I believe you can do it. (I'm a 46 year old going back to finish college...and I've met someone who had a friend become a nurse at age 59. People go to med school at 50. Write best sellers at 57. Life is far from over. Step 1. Swallow your pride and do one of those jobs you don't want to do. Whether it's fast food or it and do it well. (I now of what I speak...I've worked those jobs before!) Save, save, save, save. If, by chance, you have a drug, alcohol or gambling problem, seek help...but not in a group where other crabs might pull you back in the with a life coach who specializes in addiction recovery and will offer you one on one...also...make your life so busy that you don't have time for that. You need a place to stay. If you have ONE loving family member that can make the difference but you need to fly right. Just beg for a bed. Stick with your plan and cause no harm to anyone. Set your plans out with this family member...and ask for time to save enough money to pay of your student loan. Ask that if it works out (you mow their lawn or wash windows when you're not working to earn money)...perhaps you can get an extension and save money so that you can FINISH college. Now, if you have ever been in prison and have had a probation or parole officer...speak with them. Ask for advice if they were decent. I don't want to assume or anything, I'm just trying to cover all bases. To make an honest dollar you gotta do alot of work. It will take time to pay off those loans. It will take time to pay of your other debts. As you do, your credit will clean up. So say it takes seven years of hard work? You'll be that time you can certainly, with no mouths to feed, find work, work your butt off, save, save, save, save, save...(and maybe best to find a room or studio apartment to rent...on the low end of the budget) and save and save and save and take care of business! Also...have you thought of praying? Sometimes great miracles come through simple things. Christ can change your life. Explore that option. You may still be just young enough for the military, not sure...but you can look into that. Maybe just the reserves or national guard would take you but who knows. Explore options without expectations...except to expect to get the crappiest job and imagine yourself doing it well and cheerfully as you navigate life. Cons a debt elimination calendar.
2016-02-26 5:00 pm
What about the GI bill?

Veterans can apply for jobs at the Post Office and other federal government positions:

While you are trying to get things in place, can't you stay with a family member for a short time? Get a temporary job at a fast food place. People of all ages work at McDonald's or Dunkin' donuts and these places seem to always be hiring. What kinds of skills did you learn in the service? Put these to work if possible. Military bases hire veterans and civilians. Have you looked into a job at a base?

I would agree that you may be depressed so please get a check up at the nearest Veteran's hospital. Take this test for depression to see if you might be depressed: or
2016-02-25 2:44 am
Don't be overthinking keep yourself busy if you feel like you are trapped and that you are stuck in the same place going nowhere then that is a sign of depression See a doctor and maybe they will refer you somewhere for help you should try out a community college course take baby steps and then you will get to where you want to be

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