Should my friend get Plan B?? The pill, IMPORTANT PLEASE ANSWER?

2016-02-24 10:36 pm
She told me she had sex but sadly the condom broke. Her boyfriend is pretty sure he didn t ejaculate in her so she doesn t know if she should get it or not. She s 14 years old. I don t know what to tell her since I don t want her to take it in case she s too young or it might take a different effect on her since he most likely did not ejaculate. Pretty please answer I am worried for her.

回答 (2)

2016-02-24 10:49 pm
use the plan b ---- it does not matter if he ejaculated or not --- there will be sperm present better to be safe than sorry
2016-02-24 10:39 pm
Yes take it to be safe

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