Can anyone please list 6 ways that the Catholic Church was a "beacon of darkness" during the Middle Ages?

2016-02-24 9:59 pm

回答 (5)

2016-02-24 11:07 pm
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Be a beacon of light. Jesus taught us about God's kingdom and the way to enter God's kingdom. This is the light Jesus brought into this world. Having received the light, it is our duty to share this light with others. Yes, it is our duty to tell others about this only way to enter eternal life. God wants us to love this world that God created for us. This world has great challenges. God wants us to love humankind that God loves so much. God wants us to do good to the needy persons whom we come across in life. If we do, we become eligible to enter God's kingdom, when we die.
2016-02-24 11:04 pm
Sounds like someone has homework to do.
2016-02-25 12:45 am
define beacon of light
2016-02-24 11:24 pm
It prevented the Bible from being translated into any language people actually spoke.

Clergies worked to prevent any flow of information that did not benefit the clergies.

The ability to read was tightly strangled by the church. So only the rich were ever taught to read.

The church controlled most if the educational system.
2016-02-24 10:22 pm
What's your opinion on feminism? Accurate and sensible or completely full of Sh'? Just curious. I find myself incapable of respecting atheist feminists at this point. They're all hypocrites.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:05:22
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