Federalist Papers No. 10?

2016-02-24 7:29 pm
I've read the article multiple times, and I cannot grasp an understanding of it. I'm not asking for an answer, just for someone to lead me in the correct direction of how to understand the question and how to approach the answer.
I have to write a paper explaining the advantages regarding a large, diverse republic.

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2016-02-25 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
See this summary: http://teachingamericanhistory.org/fed-antifed/analysis-of-federalist-10/

Fed 10 is about the problem of factions, and how one dominant faction can take away the liberty of its opposition (e.g. suppose farmers formed a majority and passed a law to confiscate all the property of factory owners - that would be the end of justice and freedom).

Here's a pretty good explanation of Madison's solution https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D4N5wCIRCSeetd57bJjRFjizZYSzXWw0Ornf-DQRa1w/preview?pref=2&pli=1

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