Can my parents rent me a beach house? In jersey shore?

2016-02-24 2:56 am
The owner of the beach house says he wants renters 23 years and older and my cousins are all trying to go for a week this summer. Our ages are from 16-18. I'm thinking of just putting my dads name and his age and everything put he wont be there. Would the owner want to meet up with use the day i go? Anyone who has gone to a beach house please lmk

回答 (9)

2016-02-24 3:24 pm
Dream on........ not going to happen!
2016-02-24 1:25 pm
The owner doesn't want you there, and can kick you out if you lie. So, save everyone the aggravation.
2016-02-24 11:46 am
Keep dreaming. Owners of beach houses are well aware of the trick you plan to pull. Yes, there is far more to it than trying to use your father's name.
2016-02-24 3:09 am
When you show up to get the keys to the house it will be abundantly clear who you are And by putting your dad on the contract, he's now responsible for any damage you do, and are committing fraud by misrepresenting him if he doesn't agree to that. This is a great way to get in a lot of trouble from the law and from your father.
2016-02-24 3:00 am
Absolutely not you spoiled ingrate. Rules are to be followed. Your parents can get the Shiite sued out of them.
2016-02-24 7:42 am
The owners are obviously trying to avoid renting to party animals who will trash the place, or at least cause a mess. You should be honest about it; assuming you are responsible, be up front about it. If they insist no, just look elsewhere. You're just asking for trouble if you try deception.
2016-02-24 8:46 pm
No. The person renting must be staying there. If he will not be staying there then that would be fraud. No landlord in their right mind will rent vacation rental to a bunch of teenagers. We get questions like this all the time. Teenagers & young adults need to get this idea out of their heads. Vacation rentals often have a 21 or 25 age limit. They have every right to have that requirement & nobody has any right to try to get around it.
2016-02-24 2:59 am
my parents own a beach house in Hawaii. and I live in California. my dad doesn't meet the people though. he just gets emails from them
2016-02-24 3:01 am
You would have to get emancipated to legally live on your own.

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