Why in the pledge of America is "one nation under God" and why is "In God we trust" on US money?

2016-02-24 2:06 am
The first admentment states the separation of church and state.

回答 (13)

2016-02-24 2:09 am
They were a knee-jerk reaction by conservatives because of the red-scare paranoia back in the fifties (sound familiar?).

I like to scratch out "God" on my paper money and write in "Loki's rage."
2016-02-24 2:08 am
Because stupid religious people shove their beliefs down the throats of others without regard to the Constitution or the rights of others.
2016-02-24 2:13 am
"One nation under God" is in the pledge because during the cold war, the Soviets pointed out that segregation was unjust. So instead of addressing that, Christians said, "ya, well, you're godless communists" and added that into the pledge. Incidentally, Francis Bellamy, the author of the pledge and a Christian socialist, wanted it to say, "liberty, justice, and equality", but "equality" was removed by segregationists.

"In God we trust" was originally added during the civil war, when Christians in the Union wanted to claim that the Christian god was on their side. Which is odd, considering how much the Bible promotes slavery.

The Supreme Court has handwaved it away by saying it's "ceremonial deism", despite both of those instances being intended to be the Christian god.
2016-02-24 2:11 am
Yeah, even as an atheist though, I can't be too torked off that some stuff is on some money and that a pledge of allegiance we (kids whose parents send them to the government to have them indoctrinated) don't have to say (or do we? It keeps changing) in the first place.

To be honest, I kind of think we have bigger fish to fry.

Also, I think the Pledge has something to do with the Cold War and, as for the money, I don't know. Maybe the guy who designs dollars for the Treasury or whatever is religious. Hey, bitcoin. There you go.
2016-02-24 2:10 am
money is pretty far from 'the state' .. it isnt minted by the state anyway, its minted by the federal reserve which is a private for-profit corporation .. if your money and the money supply was actually run by the govt we wouldnt be in the debt pickle we are in ..
2016-02-24 4:59 pm
because the first amendment is so the government does not set up a religion like in England, that the nation must follow, but to let the citizens follow their own religion of choice.
2016-02-24 2:54 am
The separation of church and state is so there will be no church state, not so that we do not honor God. Our Declaration says we are under God's laws. In God We Trust is our country's motto. This is a God-fearing, Christian nation--it always has been.
2016-02-24 2:24 am
And yet the phrases IN GOD WE TRUST and one nation under God do not endorse any particular religion thus maintaining separation of church and state.
2016-02-24 2:18 am
because law makers purposed it to be there
2016-02-24 2:17 am
God is not a church or a religion.
2016-02-24 2:12 am
The pledge of allegiance was written in the late 19th century
"In God we trust" also first appeared on money in the 19th century. It became the motto of the USA in 1956

It's not exactly unconstitutional, because mentioning "God" doesn't tie anyone to a church. But it is interesting that all the swearing to God stuff had to be introduced later on, after the founders were long gone
2016-02-24 2:25 am
Because all those "We The People" are not honest.

If they were HONEST about it, their motto would be

"In SOME Gods and/or Goddesses, SOME of us trust, SOME of the time."
2016-02-24 2:07 am
The illuminati's "God" is Satan, and that's who those statements are referring to!

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