A right cylindrical vessel is full of water . How much right cones having same diameter and height as those of cylinder will be needed?
A right cylindrical vessel is full of water . How much right cones having same diameter and height as those of cylinder will be needed to store the water ?
please tell how to solve it
回答 (3)
Volume of the cylinder of radius R and height H =πR²H
Volume of right cone of radius R and height H =⅓πR²H
Hence Number of right cones needed =πR²H/(⅓πR²H) =3
Volume of a (right) cylinder = π r² h
Volume of a (right) cone = ⅓ π r² h
how many cones ?? Do you 'think' THREE will do it ? Do you 'think ?'
3, because the volume of a cone is
while the volume of a cylinder is pi*r^2*h.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:03:28
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