In terms of AU, how far does Star G orbit from the common center of mass of itself and Star F?

2016-02-23 11:53 am
If two stars (Star F and Star G) are in orbit about one another, where Star F has a mass of 23.0 solar-masses and Star G has a mass of 7.00 solar-masses, and if Star F orbits their common center of mass at a distance of 0.450 AU, how far does Star G orbit from their common center of mass?

回答 (3)

2016-02-23 2:14 pm
Total mass = 30
ratios of distance from barycentre
(flip the masses)
F is at 7/30 and G is at 23/30

F is at 0.450 au

0.450 corresponds to 7/30, what is 23/30?
0.450 * 23 / 7 = 1.479

1.479 + 0.450 = 1.929

What is 23/30 of 1.929? 1.479

The ratio of distances from the barycentre is 23:7
(the more massive object is always closer to the barycentre)
2016-02-23 11:53 am
50000 km
2016-02-23 7:08 pm
IF L is the distance between their centres, for star F --
23 (0.450 AU) = 7(L - 0.450 AU),
30 (0.450 AU) = 7L,
13.5 = 7L
L = 13.5 / 7 = (27/14) AU = 1 13/14 AU = 1.92857 AU.
Distance of star G = (27/14) - (9/20) = (270 - 63) / 140 AU = 207/140 AU = 1.47857 AU

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