Recipes for dinner?

2016-02-23 12:08 am
my mom has been stressed lately, so I want to fix up something for dinner so that she doesn't have to make dinner tonight for my family. Except I don't know what to make!! What are some cool recipes I could try out?

回答 (6)

2016-02-23 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
eggplant parm! i mad it for my mom for Sunday dinner and she loved it. she kept saying how shes tired of eating meat so i did something different. its super easy and delish!
2016-02-23 12:13 am
Aw that's really sweet. What do you have on hand? Baked potato with beans is easy and foolproof - maybe add a little salad garnish. Chickpea curry is fairly straightforward too - heat up a can of chickpeas, mix with tomato paste, chopped onions lemon juice and herbs. Maybe a simple pasta dish - spaghetti with pasta sauce? Your meal doesn't need to be elaborate to taste amazing, and just the gesture of making anything at all is really lovely. Plus, especially if your mom is stressed, simple comfort food is the best. Good luck :)
2016-02-23 3:20 pm
You don't mention your age, so perhaps the simpler the better. Check your freezer for a package of hot dogs. Now check your pantry for the blue box of mac and cheese. Make the mac cheese, chop up the hot dogs and mix the together. Serve with a simple lettuce, carrot and tomato salad.
參考: Professional Chef
2016-02-23 1:34 am
An easy dinner recipe would baked bone-in chicken pieced covered with barbeque sauce. Serve with rice and a salad. For dessert serve some sorbet with berries and cookies. Another easy meal is French toast served with butter and maple syrup along with some melon and berries on the side. If you like you can also add some nice crisp bacon. I am quite sure your mom will love whatever you make.
2016-02-23 12:15 am
Do you know how to roast a whole chicken? Throw some potatoes and carrots underneath and you're good to go in 65 mins.
2016-02-23 12:14 am
It all depends on what ingredients you have. This one makes a quick, tasty chicken.

Cut chicken into strips. fry in pan with light oil. When chicken is fully cooked, add BBQ sauce and let simmer.
Add your starch and veg and a meal is done

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